My First Lathe!

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Nov 8, 2010
Dublin CA
Hi all,

I've finally gotten my lathe up and running and turned some redwood blanks today (just for practice). Can't wait to start making pens. Maybe I'll go to Woodcraft tomorrow and get a kit just to try it out (I have an order of stuff coming in next week).

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Glad that it has finally arrived. The redwood is nice to turn. Get some 2x2 and 2x4 and practice using your different tools on it. I still do it when I am learning a new tool or technique. PM your address and I will send you a couple of kits to try.
Hi all,

I've finally gotten my lathe up and running and turned some redwood blanks today (just for practice). Can't wait to start making pens.

What can I are already hooked with your new obsession, errr, hobby. Congratulations on the lathe arrival and first turning. You'll find it gets rather more exciting with each new success. Just remember it is fun, not work. :rolleyes::rolleyes::):biggrin: You WILL make mistakes, blow out blanks, ruin projects beyond repair, etc. :eek::eek: Despair not, it happens to the best of us. Even when you think everything is going just right, it can still happen. :eek: This is why we learn how to use the tools, and how to approach the wood, and how fast to cut. You have a lot to learn young grasshoppa. :biggrin:

Enjoy the new hobby.
From everything I have heard about it I think you made an excellent choice for your first lathe! Welcome! .... and be sure to post some pics of your first pens.
Hi all,

I've finally gotten my lathe up and running and turned some redwood blanks today (just for practice). Can't wait to start making pens. Maybe I'll go to Woodcraft tomorrow and get a kit just to try it out (I have an order of stuff coming in next week).

What a nice and tidy little set up you got there...!

Great stuff for those with very limited space and need to keep moving things around!

Well, that's the beginning of "something", my friend, lets see what that "something" is as you go...!

Good luck, and remember, practice, practice, practice...!:wink::biggrin:

Congrats on your new setup, this hobby is addicting!! I ordered a collett chuck and some kits the other day, cant wait till they get here.

God Bless,

David :)
Don'tcha just hate waiting for your orders to arrive? I have things I am waiting on too. They always seem to take way too long to arrive.

Reefboy1, if you ever find yourself down in this area, give me a call and maybe we can work together and I can help you in some way. Let me know if you come this way.

I can't wait for your pics to show up.
Larry - thanks for the invite. I'll definitely look you up next time:) I need all the help I can get.

Dave - what do you plan to use the collet chuck for?

I do like how my lathe is current setup - I can roll it around to where I get the best light during the day. Just trying to figure out how to use each tool at the moment.
I am not completely sure, however I was told that I needed one. Guess I will figure it out later :confused:


Larry - thanks for the invite. I'll definitely look you up next time:) I need all the help I can get.

Dave - what do you plan to use the collet chuck for?

I do like how my lathe is current setup - I can roll it around to where I get the best light during the day. Just trying to figure out how to use each tool at the moment.

I'm in the same boat - I'm pretty sure I'll need one, but have no idea why at this point :).

Let me know when you find a good use of it.
I am not completely sure, however I was told that I needed one. Guess I will figure it out later :confused:


Collet chucks are great! I use mine all the time.
Put in the 1/4" chuck and use it to hold your mandrel-rod. Now you have an adjustable mandrel that doesn't have the wobble induced by bad threads of rod-to-MT2 insert.

If you want to make your own "closed-end pen" mandrel you can cut the end off a bolt and clamp the right-sized bolt in the collet; file a flat for a pin (cut nail) and you now have your own $5 mandrel.
If you are doing finials for ornaments, etc, you can put in a 1/2"-5/8" collet and hold a dowel. If you use a dowel smaller then your through-hole in the spindle then you can mount the entire dowel and just push it through making finial after finial after finial. Great for making Christmas ornaments for the entire family.

If you have a very detailed/patterned blank that needs to be drilled exactly down the middle of the pattern (not necessarily the center of the blank) the collet chuck is the way to go. Use your drive center and live center to pin the blank in your pattern-center on both ends. Turn it round. Mount the round end into your collet chuck and finish turning it.

If you want to try to turn brass or aluminum rod, the collet is the best thing to hold it.

Lots of uses for the collet chuck.
Thanks Greg,

Cant wait until it gets here, I would like to do some ornaments. That is the same collett chuck that I bought.
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