My first Gentleman

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Dec 13, 2005
Arroyo Grande, CA, USA.
The ballpoint, that is. I like this kit... it's a nicely balanced pen when all is said and done. I think because the drill-out for the top half is so much larger, removing more wood and allowing for a better overall balance than the cigars. I might be replacing my cigars with this, once all my kits are gone.

Figured bubinga a la Dario. Finish is my usual combination of 2 friction polishes, thin CA, MM, Liberon and now the final touch with TSW.




Nancy :)
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I wanted to throw in a picture of the Black Cherry burl Euro I also finished this weekend, but it didn't seem kewl enough to warrant it's own post, so here tis. [:)]


I still can't decide what I think about the Jr. Gents ballpoint, but you did a very nice job on both pens. The Black Cherry burl is exceptionally nice wood. I wonder about the finish though. Seems odd to put CA over friction polish. Seems to me that the CA would dissolve the friction polish.
You did a great job on both Nancy! I'm not a huge fan of the ballpoint pen adaptations of kits like these (including the Havana, Jr. Gent, etc.), but that's just a personal take on things.
Not cool enough that is a beautiful piece of wood. I've never been crazy about the Euro styling but that is a really nice looking pen.
Originally posted by gerryr
<br />I still can't decide what I think about the Jr. Gents ballpoint, but you did a very nice job on both pens. The Black Cherry burl is exceptionally nice wood. I wonder about the finish though. Seems odd to put CA over friction polish. Seems to me that the CA would dissolve the friction polish.


I should have been clearer, but perhaps I'm still not adding things together right. Here is my process:

- Sand to 400.
- Clean with DNA.
- 3 coats (give or take) thin CA applied with the fingertip of a latex glove, smoothing back & forth until it sets slightly. Very light spritzes of accelerant.
- "Wet" sand with 600 grit lubricated with BLO.
- Clean with DNA.
- Mylands Friction Polish.
- MM 1500 - 12000
- Hut Crystal Coat
- Liberon stick, one thin application
- TSW.

&lt;deep breath&gt; Comments/critiques surely welcome.

Nancy that Cherry burl is awesome---- I got this thing about burls with the swirls and eyes. Oh your finish method is just about the same thing I do.
OK, that makes more sense, although I don't understand using MM on a friction polish, but I am not an expert on finishing and your finish looks very good.
Great looking pens, Nancy. I'm also a big fan of the Jr. Gent Rollerball. I've sold a few of them and people really seem to take to them. You did a fantastic job with that Euro, too. I love the combination of a terrific burl with a terrific finish.
Originally posted by nilsatcraft
<br />Great looking pens, Nancy. I'm also a big fan of the Jr. Gent Rollerball. I've sold a few of them and people really seem to take to them. You did a fantastic job with that Euro, too. I love the combination of a terrific burl with a terrific finish.

Wow! I've finally made it to "terrific finish"!!! Thanks Nils! [:)]

Thank you thank you everyone! [:)] I'm curious (not defensive, just wondering your thoughts) why or what about the Jr. Gent ballpoint folks aren't sure of? Proportions? The finished balance is really nice... I just love the clip, too. Tell me what yer thinkin! [:eek:)]

I don't know about anyone else, but for me, it's the fact the original Jr. Gentleman's pen was a rollerball/fountain pen. I just can't decide if I like it as a ballpoint. There's so much more you can do with the RB/FP version than you can do with the ballpoint.
Very nice. I'm not sure what the kit adaptation differences are, as I'm still new to pen turning. That bubinga looks very nice, but then I'm partial to both woods.
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