Mr. Anonymous Game #33 @ 19/8/2016 - FOR NEW MEMBERS, ONLY...!

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Aug 6, 2009
Australia - SA Adelaide Hills
Hi peoples,

There has been some talking about the lack of participation among new members, and while there may be a number of reasons for that, I would like to dedicate this game #33 to new members that have signed up with IAP no more that 1 year (12 months) ago.

The 3 questions this game is based on, were decided from a group of 6 questions I requested from a group of IAP older members that I will provide their names, the day I will award the winner.

Because only members that have been with IAP for 1 year or less are allowed to participate, I would appreciate that all other members would restrain themselves from giving any guesses or clues, there will be other opportunities for you guys...!

I will now clarify the game conditions that new members may not be aware of so, each member can give only one set of the answers (1-2-3) per post as 3 correct answers are what the prize is about.

The winner will be awarded with a 1 x AU$100.00 voucher from me, claimable at George's Bits of Timber web-store (address on signature) winner will pay shipping. The winner can also use the opportunity to order some extra blanks, the voucher will cover the firs AU$100.00, the rest you will be requested to pay.

And now, without any further ado, here is the exact question that I asked to a select number of the older members, I gave them 6 possibilities, I then selected the 3 most common issues addressed among the answers given.

Here it goes;

What are the 3 most common issues new penturners are confronted with...???

1- ?
2- ?
3- ?

Any order...!

Best of luck.

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Signed-In Members Don't See This Ad
Hey! Thank you for doing this. My brother pointed it out to me because I mostly lurk on here. The three biggest challenges I face in pen turning are having the right tools/ keeping them sharp, CA finishes, and achieving the perfect finish through sanding.

Thanks again!


Edited my me, please confirm.

Would you say;

1- Having right tools

2- Keep tools sharp

3- Sanding techniques
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Thanks for this , should be interesting see all the answers . Here's mine ;

1 -- equipment/tools

2 -- supplies/blanks/kits , etc

3 -- technique/instruction on using turning tools/lathe properly
Hey! Thank you for doing this. My brother pointed it out to me because I mostly lurk on here. The three biggest challenges I face in pen turning are having the right tools/ keeping them sharp, CA finishes, and achieving the perfect finish through sanding.

Thanks again!


Edited my me, please confirm.

Would you say;

1- Having right tools

2- Keep tools sharp

3- Sanding techniques

I'll say:
1. Keeping tools sharp
2. CA finishes
3. Sanding technique

Hey! Thank you for doing this. My brother pointed it out to me because I mostly lurk on here. The three biggest challenges I face in pen turning are having the right tools/ keeping them sharp, CA finishes, and achieving the perfect finish through sanding.

Thanks again!


Edited my me, please confirm.

Would you say;

1- Having right tools

2- Keep tools sharp

3- Sanding techniques

I'll say:
1. Keeping tools sharp
2. CA finishes
3. Sanding technique


Thanks mate, I just wanted to make sure you had 3 of your best guesses selected.

Thanks for doing this, George! I'm going to sit this one out since I'm just a couple months shy of that year and I won one of your other contests. Definitely going to keep an eye on this. I love seeing what people come up with!
I won a very special & unique blank in one of George's contests during my first year here. It's definitely one of a kind, so I've held off on turning it until my skills were up to the task. I

George's contests are fun & educational and you get a chance to win some awesome blanks. If you are a new member reading this - don't hesitate to enter - jump on in.
Thanks for encouraging participation of all of us newbies...

1. Learning the best resources to purchase your supplies (kits & blanks) from.

2. Slowing myself down when assembling a pen. I've gotten ahead of myself and ruined a few kits in attempting to correct mistakes.

3. Trusting in my own creativity...
I'm going to have to say:

1) Developing a consistent finishing technique
2) Trying to visualize the blanks and components in their finished state to see if they will compliment each other
3) Finding a way to sell/market the finished product including good photos
1- Drilling
2- Out of Round
3- Finishes

Thanks George!

I still have a few of your blanks. I just can't bring myself to cut into them.
Thank you for the contest! My answers are:

1. Getting proper diameter on the ends of barrels - when I first started this was a bit of a hassle even with bushings.
2. Getting a perfect finish.
3. Patience! Being in a hurry was the sole reason for most of my failures, and still is.
Hi folks,

Thank you for all that participated until now, I would like to see a few more, please...!

I remind everyone that, we were all newbies at some point in the past, not everybody is confronted with the same issues and or difficulties so, do not worry if some answers so far may look familiar, you will have your own and unique way to express the things you believe were your main issues.

Best of luck...!

1. Having the right tools for the job
2. Developing technique
3. Finding a customer base

Thanks for the contest
I'm not in a hurry to close this game, I'm giving time for other new members to become aware of the game and participate, and for those that have already participated, be patient, you will know how well your answers done, compared with the 6 (six) opinion's I have from 6 older IAP members, I'm not included as I wanted to stay impartial.

1. Finishing (process and magic potions)
2. Best/Favorite Kits (which ones and where to buy)
3. painting tubes (process and color choices)
1. Consistent finish (I always seem to have issues with the CA)
2. drilling straight centered holes
3. Where to get supplies that don't cost me a fortune since at this point where I am learning money goes out and not in.


Well and so that everyone knows, I will be closing the game #33 tomorrow night my time (Australia) and announce the game winner, then...!

I have had some interesting answers, let's see who got the closest...!:biggrin:

Based on my own experience these were the challenges that I faced:

1. Knowing what tools were needed.
2. What type of finishes work best with different types of blanks.
3. Drilling and trimming of the blanks.
And the winner is...?

A thank you to all (14) that accepted to participate in this game, I would like to extend the invitation for your participation and any other games here on IAP.

My gratitude to the 6 older members I contacted and requested assistance with the answer formulation used, these members are;

- Jeff Brown
- Sharon
- Mark James
- Edgar
- Wayne (1080wayne)
- Dave (drise)

A list of 6 possible answers to the original question were given by all 6 members, I then listed the 3 answers that were either mentioned by everyone or the ones that were more consistently referenced and the 3 selected answers were;

- Drilling straight

- Sharpening tools

- Removing sanding marks (efficient sanding technique)

According to my readings of all participant answers, no one had provided all these 3 answers correctly (in any order), a few of you have mentioned at least 1 selected answer but, only one person has had 2 selected answers correct and that member is, the very first person posting in this game, Mr. Alec Smith (asmith99), congratulations mate, you've got yourself a AU$100.00 voucher from George's Bits of Timber, prize sponsored by Mr. Anonimous.

I would like to remind everyone, particularly the game participants that, these were not the only the 3 correct answers to my question, I have requested 6 "possible" answers from the older members already mentioned, I could have asked for a dozen and I would be still very short of all possible correct answers, the 3 choices were the most mentioned by the 6 members.

Is easy to see that, everyone has different issues and degrees of difficulty in the many steps of penturning, there are however, a few issues that seem to be common to a large number of people, in the world of penturning.

I also appreciate the "patience" of the older IAP members, you will have your turn, in the next game...!:wink::biggrin:

Congratulations Alec! You have won a really great prize and I thank George and Mr. A for making this contest possible.

Congratulations also to all who participated in this contest. It was great to see such a good number of entries. All answers were very good and showed a lot of thought and considerations. There will be more opportunities to win some of George's great prizes as well as other fun contests and activities. I hope you will continue to join in the fun and maybe your turn will come up next.

By the way, you still have time to enter Mind Bender Contests #5 and #6. Just click on the Mind Bender Contest link on the IAP Home Page.
Congratulations Alec ! Sharp tools and sanding techniques - the first makes the second a lot easier - are the things I`m still learning . Never did understand why some think the hole has to go dead center through the blank . On a segmented blank , yes , absolutely , but on anything else the only important thing is that enough wood be left on all sides to allow the desired finished diameter . On most wood blanks I deliberately angle the hole to match my read of the way the grain will look best on the finished pen .

Have fun choosing George`s blanks . I`m sure you won`t be disappointed . Be sure to enter all of his contests . He has on occasion given multiple prizes , sometimes to the second person who submits the correct answer , even though they (or me) copied it from someone else .
Congratulations Alec ! Sharp tools and sanding techniques - the first makes the second a lot easier - are the things I`m still learning . Never did understand why some think the hole has to go dead center through the blank . On a segmented blank , yes , absolutely , but on anything else the only important thing is that enough wood be left on all sides to allow the desired finished diameter . On most wood blanks I deliberately angle the hole to match my read of the way the grain will look best on the finished pen .

Have fun choosing George`s blanks . I`m sure you won`t be disappointed . Be sure to enter all of his contests . He has on occasion given multiple prizes , sometimes to the second person who submits the correct answer , even though they (or me) copied it from someone else .

Hi Wayne,

I understand your point and while some people may not find drilling straight holes is that important, I'm one to believe, the drilling issue is indeed one of the first "nasties" most new folks experience. The reason can come from a variety of reasons, from incorrect tools to incorrect techniques, they all can contribute to one of the first barriers new penturners are confronted with.

Making those corrections will only help them to handle blanks that require a much greater need for drilling accuracy, finding the correct drill bits for the best results can also be detrimental when segmented blanks are put together with less common materials.

As I said before, the game question could have many possible answers, all correct however, a selection was made and those within that selection had better chances to win the prize that more recently, has increased its value significantly, making multiple awarded prizes, a lot more difficult for me however, there may be one day some exceptions, we will see...!:biggrin:

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