More NEJE questions

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Aug 31, 2012
Cincinnati, OH
In another month or two I am going to get set up for engraving. Have a couple of questions, that will probably bring up more questions:

1) the 1,000 or the 1,500? The 1500 only seems to be a little bit more price wise. Will the "extra" power cause any problems (or be a benefit)?

2) I am planning on ordering a replacement laser - sounds like they can burn out on occasion. Does that make sense to get a replacement?

3a) Do you fill in the engraving with paint or something? Or leave it as is? I would think a CA finish wouldn't be shiny unless you fill in the engaving and then apply a smooth finish. The answer probably depends on what the client wants.

3b) I've read that you should put CA on BEFORE you engrave. Do you then have to reapply the finish? (I would think so, but wanted to ask)

4) Yes, I am going to get one of the pen rolling attachement things from T Shadow.

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I hope this helps Dave - but wait for my replies:

I own two 1000mw, and I replacement diode. My first one went bad, so I bought another one while waiting for the replacement diode.

Can't answer about the extra power. As long as you can get a replacement diode I guess the 1.5w sounds good.

I know folks that have used the same one 100 or more times; I got about 20 uses before mine went out.

I don't fill-in my engraving; I am too lazy - many folks do and achieve beautiful results.

Most of the time I apply CA to my engraving finishes

I only engrave on bare wood before apply CA. Others do differently.

I own a rotary jog and like it.
Go for the 1500. It isn't the extra power, it's the extra burning height. You are limited to about 1.25" with the 1000 but can burn on something up to about 2'' with the 1500. You can burn on handles, stoppers, boxes, etc that are too thick for the 1000
I got my 1000 fairly early on. Burned up the first diode, but it did take a while. The replacement has worked fine. I have added a huge muffin fan blowing straight down to dissipate smoke and help cool the diode. Were I to buy another, I'd go for the 1500 (because why not?).

I've engraved pre and post CA finish. I prefer the look of the post-finish burn, it leaves nice, crisp engraving. Putting CA over the burn sort of fills it in--doesn't look bad, just different (so to answer your question, I generally engrave after the CA goes on and do not re-apply). I've also engraved over friction polish and many times over Tru-Oil, which also looks nice. If you use a wax wheel for buffing, get all that done before you engrave.

I also have an early version of the rotary attachment that T. Shadow now sells. It works well, but I really don't use it much. You really don't need it for one line of text, which is mostly what I do.

Hope this helps.

Hold off another week or 2, rumor mill has it that a 3000mW is on it's way stateside.
I always put a coat or 2 of CA, then engrave, then finish with more CA
The reason most people have had trouble burning out the diode is, they do not let it cool between burns. they are rated for a 50% duty, that means if the burn takes 5 minutes wait 5 to start again.
For 3b I totally finished the blank, burned and didn't put any more finish on it. It was a sample promo for a competition BBQ team. So it had the proper smell. :wink:

Though I only have a 1,000 mW I believe eh 1,500 burns 50% faster. For mine it adjusts the time burning not the power.
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The only problem with the 3000 is the diode moves on the X and Y axis and there is no table. The current rotary jigs will not work with it.
Good Advice

Hold off another week or 2, rumor mill has it that a 3000mW is on it's way stateside.
I always put a coat or 2 of CA, then engrave, then finish with more CA
The reason most people have had trouble burning out the diode is, they do not let it cool between burns. they are rated for a 50% duty, that means if the burn takes 5 minutes wait 5 to start again.

I ran my engraver for a couple hours and did a number of reburns so I may have asked too much of it during the testing.
I wired up a PC case fan to 5 volts and set it on top the unit. But somewhere, maybe even on a sticker on the machine its gives a so many minutes on, maybe 15, so many minutes off.
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The only problem with the 3000 is the diode moves on the X and Y axis and there is no table. The current rotary jigs will not work with it.

If you go to the Trusfer site, the new 3000mw model shows a table. If that's indeed the case, I may have to order one when they're available.
Jumping in here. Looking to buy my first laser for pens. Is the 3000mw unit out yet as mentioned earlier in the thread? What all do I need to get to be able to do pens, font and art?
As far as I know, the 3000mw unit is still in transit to the States. For pens, you may want a Rotary jig. Right now there are two versions, one from Bob Pace and one from T. Shadow. Both work well.

If you want to do flat work such as pen boxes or plaques, my recommendation is to buy a second laser engraver with an open bottom. 3000mw units are out now in that style, and NEJE is coming out with a 3500mW open rail-type unit.
I bought a little usb powered fan at the dollar store. It plugs right in to the laptop I run the burner on, and keeps the burner cool and the smoke blown away.
I have used a more powerful fan and less frequent, consecutive uses and I still had to replace the diode. I am glad that your experience was better than mine.
The only problem with the 3000 is the diode moves on the X and Y axis and there is no table. The current rotary jigs will not work with it.

If you go to the Trusfer site, the new 3000mw model shows a table. If that's indeed the case, I may have to order one when they're available.

For some reason my local IT department has labelled that site as a danger and won't let me access it.
I wired up a PC case fan to 5 volts and set it on top the unit. But somewhere, maybe even on a sticker on the machine its gives a so many minutes on, maybe 15, so many minutes off.

I got a little usb fan at the dollar store that I sit right next to the NEJE to blow the smoke away. Works great. Plug it right into the computer or into a usb plug.
I really like the new 1500w NEJE. It seems to be more powerful than my old 1500w because it easily burns on plastic and the old one wouldn't. (The old one was one of the very first 1500w available) I also like the new green protective panel that came with it and attaches to the case with little magnets. It allows you to see the laser without eye damage.
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I received my replacement laser head this weekend and got the laser back up and running. I was actually able to engrave my first pen, however the machine does seem to be very finicky. There are times when I run the engraver and it decides to automatically start over after its done. Fortunately I was standing right there because it zero'd out at the original point not my adjusted point and was about to engrave in a different location. Does anyone else have the problem of the machine rerunning without warning or zeroing out at a different point after it runs once? I don't feel real comfortable engraving pens for sale and risk ruining a $50-$100 pen.
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