Mont Blanc Style Fountain Pen??

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I have a request for a Mont Blanc style fountain pen. What kits would suit this request?


Start with looking at a "designer" style ... also you can find Mont Blanc pens for sale and compare the real thing to the pictures of various makers kits that seem to look like a Mont Blanc.
A closed ended Baron in gold titanium using black polyresin for both the upper and lower will look a lot like a MB... and if you upgrade the nib to 18k, it will be just as expensive to make too!
Don, I've two problems with that kit. The gold will wear off in two weeks of regular use, and the nibs are scratchy and don't give good ink flow.
I didn't say it was quality, just that it's nice to write with. Balance wise.

My nibs have been tunable. Not great but usable. I have one I swapped in one of Lou's nibs too.

My biggest problem with them is every one I've sold came back with thread marks on the finial end. Buyer trying to post them... heh
Thanks Guys
I think I'm going to suggest either a Sedona or Churchill. I'm not really big on those round top euro kits. They feel a little too cheap for me.

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