mismatched parts

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Dec 18, 2004
Mountain Home, Arkansas, USA.
While trying to assemble a Jr. Gent. II I couldn't slip the clip over the cap. The clip ring was noticeably smaller than the cap barrel. I called CS tech support and they will be sending me another pair. Good service as always. He said they hadn't had this problem previously. But it is strange that only one kit would have mismatched parts. Oh, well. I cannibalized a clip and cap from another kit (they fit) and finished assembling my pen.
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I've seen this and a few other sizing problems recently on the Jr Gents and Jr Statesmen. They did send some replacement parts, but IMO the quality is nowhere near where it was. I doubt that I will continue to buy these much longer if at all.
Originally posted by BRobbins629

I've seen this and a few other sizing problems recently on the Jr Gents and Jr Statesmen. They did send some replacement parts, but IMO the quality is nowhere near where it was. I doubt that I will continue to buy these much longer if at all.

Don't be so hard on them, Bruce. I believe the kit parts are packaged in China. CS has no way of checking every kit. They do replace without argument. At the same time, I feel it is important to let the company know when there are problems like this so they can let their supplier know there are problems. I sent the link to this discussion to CS tech support. BTW, I do not see a decline in quality lately.
To clarify, Operational Definitions: Taiwan is an entity separate from Mainland China.
Based on my political science education, I would call Taiwan a Nation State, and the US officially agreed by signing onto the Montevideo Convention which defines such status.

One presumes "China" refers to Mainland China.
CSUSA and Berea use Taiwan and possibly India for manufacturing. They do NOT use China.
Originally posted by GaryMGg

To clarify, Operational Definitions: Taiwan is an entity separate from Mainland China.
Based on my political science education, I would call Taiwan a Nation State, and the US officially agreed by signing onto the Montevideo Convention which defines such status.

One presumes "China" refers to Mainland China.
CSUSA and Berea use Taiwan and possibly India for manufacturing. They do NOT use China.

I understand what you are saying. I used "China" generically. BTW, the government of mainland China would argue with you. They claim it is Chinese territory. One day, a (another?) war will probably be fought over this distinction.
I know the PRC would argue the point and that they may try to start a war over it.
However, I stand by what I wrote. Teetering on the edge of politics: Our language should NOT confuse the PRC with Taiwan; regardless of what the PRC wishes to believe, they've evolved into two separate nations. America ought to formally acknowledge that.
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