Mini Coring With a Saw...

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JD Combs Sr

Jan 30, 2010
Owingsville, KY
... and what to do with those little left over pieces of pen blanks.

I had a thought the other day(yeah I get one of those on occasion), "How would a hole saw work to hollow mini birdhouses" and that went to "Hey maybe I could reuse the core". Take a look and tell me what you think. I will probably only work with cross-grain blanks because of having to "break" the core out at its bottom.

Had a fairly large(for a birdhouse) diameter Cedar blank, went to Lowe's and picked up a cheaper 1.25" hole saw and proceeded as shown.

The top row of thumbnails is making the core into a bottle stopper. In the second thumbnail I am enlarging the through hole for the size of my bottle stopper mandrel tap.

In the 2nd row I have turned a piece of Honey locust into a jam chuck and used it to finish turning and finishing the birdhouse. Turned a roof for it out of another piece of Honey locust.

In the third row I have processed the "jam chuck" into another bottle stopper.

Here are closeups of the finished stoppers and the birdhouse. The cabochons are turned from the 1/2"-3/4" pen blank left over offcuts. My apologies for the close ups of the cabochons being a little out of focus. Not use to doing macro close ups.
IMG_5805_4_6_Detail.jpg IMG_5805_4_6_Detailb.jpg IMG_5811_0_2_Detail.jpg IMG_5811_0_2_Detailb.jpg IMG_5843_2_4_Detail.jpg

C&C Appreciated.
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Nice stoppers and bird house. I use a forstner bit to hollow out the tops of my bottle stoppers to insert coins, medallions and acrylic off-cuts.
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