May Meeting

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Mar 14, 2009
Athens, Alabama
Ok guys, thinking ahead for our next meeting. I think we should plan one for sometime in May. I have a couple of demos in mind already. I also want your input as to things we can do as well. We need someone to volunteer to host the meeting.

Also if you will pm me your email address, I will be glad to send out notice about our meetingby email.

The demos so far are:

Lided box

Bird house christmas ornament

So what you think????
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First of all, My wife really enjoyed the meeting and asked me to check into the next one. May is getting a little warm for me to go out in. But, I will try anyway. I have been making bottle stoppers for awhile by pouring resin over wood body and have worked out some issues that If you are interested in, I can share them. I was given a piece of that spalted wood and it's full of worm holes. I cleaned them out and getting ready to pour resin into the holes to see how that would turn out.:rolleyes:
I think a 'useless wood' demo would be very interesting.

BTW have you tried putting the wood/resin combo under either pressure or vacuum? It's supposed to help the resin get into the holes with less air bubbles.

I've also read about some people trying warming one or both parts of the resin before mixing to make it thinner (less viscous) so it can soak in easier. I can't remember the results, so you might want to research that before you try it. :)
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Can't afford a vacuum, just another to tie up space in my already crowded shop. I stood the piece up so that the resin would flow upward and rolled it around. Haven't turned it yet. I've been sick. My Dr's are scratching their heads trying to figure out why I'm always short of breath, coughing and passing out. I'm scheduled for a heart PET scan this friday and still waiting for results on my lung CAT scan that was done a week ago. I had to stay out of my dusty shop for a bit. Keep me in your prayers.
New to IAP

Hey guys! I am new to this organization and would love to meet some pen turners in my area! I have a lot to learn and am a good listener. Let me know when and where and what I need to bring. Looking forward to meeting everyone!

Souty Alabama Chapter?

Is there a Southern Alabama or North Florida Pensacola or Mobile chapter? bob
Is there a Southern Alabama or North Florida Pensacola or Mobile chapter? bob

I'd suggest making a post in the introductions forum and including the information that you're interested in meeting/talking to local turners.

I got hooked up with this local chapter by introducing myself in that forum (I was fascinated by the international replies to other intros I saw in there) and getting a 'come on over to the shop and gab' invite/response from a local turner.
OK Guys,
It is getting close to the month of May, we need a hosting shop for the meeting. We have a few new turners wanting to learn, so let's get this party going.
According to what weekend.. May is almost full. graduations on 2 weekends and then Mothers day weekend also. I will be traveling that weekend..
Hi all! I'm new to the forum and found this group! I've been turning pens for a couple of years now and am looking forward to meeting others with the same interests. I'd love to come to the meeting to learn and share. I'll keep an eye on the thread for dates, times, and places.
Well after some consideration, I have decided that the month of May is gonna be a busy month. So we will plan on having a meeting in June. So go ahead and make plans for then.
June Meeting

New to pens myself. I'm in for June. Thanks to Keith and SGM for showing me some things and getting me started. I'll bring some of that Chittum Burl, and we can have a little giveaway for those in attendance.
I know exactly where that is! I'm about 5 miles or so away from ya! I'd love to come by and talk shop sometime. I'll hit you up here soon.

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