March Meeting

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Mar 14, 2009
Athens, Alabama
Well guys
As fast as time is flying by it will soon be March. We should have a meeting in March, dont you think? Anyone willing to host the meeting. I am thinking we should invite our spouses as well. Maybe we all can pitch in and bring acovered dish. I would also like to open the floor for anyone wanting to volunteer to do a demo. Or if you would like to see something done, please let us know. I would like to suggest that we have it on a saturday. One thing I would like to see is a demo on is TOOL SHARPENING. I think it would be fun to do some pen blank swapping, what you think?

So feel free to jump in and share your ideas.
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I'm definitely up for a meeting. Carolina and I are not ready to host one right now, but we'd be happy to pitch in and co-host with Gary.

Sharpening sounds like a fine Demo, but we ought to see if we can get more than one viewpoint on the process (and the tools to perform it). I can bring my Tormek and some of the jigs. Maybe someone else can bring & demo their alternative?

A Saturday is a good day. If possible, let's try and avoid March 10, because the Redstone TAT is currently scheduled for the 11th. I think two back-to-back days of turning is great but I have a feeling not all of the 'significant others' agree with that sentiment.:)

Speaking of which, I agree with Keith. Bringing along the better halves worked great last time we were at the farm and I would suggest we continue the tradition, if Gary is OK with it. We sure got better food that way. :biggrin:
Ok, Guys,
I am looking at the calendar and we can either have the meeting on the 17th or 24th of March. So please let us know which one will be best for you.
I just saw an idea posted on another chapter for their meeting. It is a challenge to modify a pen kit and bring the pen to show at the meeting and be prepared to explain or demo how you made it. Sounds like fun! What you all think. I am thinking about using the slimline kit, there are several ways to modify it. Let me know your thoughts on it.
I'll go for a Saturday ay Gary's shop and a demo on tool sharpening even though I haven't had to sharpen my pen tool in several hpndered pens might be interesting
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OK Guys,
The meeting is set for Saturday, March 24th. Beginning at 9:00am and ending whenever. It will be at Gary's shop. If you need directions, send him a pm.
I plan to attend. I have been wanting to attend a meeting for a long time but cannot make it on Sunday. Let me know what I can bring.
Now that we have the meeting time and date set, we need to work on the menu. If you would like to bring a covered dish, PLEASE post here what you will bring. I will start it off. OH, be sure to bring your spouse along with you.

KAthy and I will furnish BBQ Chicken.

Now that I am a diabetic, please fix something for me!!!!
Carolina and I were going to bring meat, probably Ribs and/or Brisket. I just got a new smoker/grill and a KILLER recipie.

Carolina and I will check into some recipies we have and see if there isn't something that would be suitable for a desert that doesn't use a ton of sugar.
Thanks Keith, but I volunteered to co-host with Gary, since he ends up letting us use the farm more than his fair share. I figure this counts for a 'my turn' :biggrin:
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Count Andrew and me in, I'm not sure what we'll bring, probably a bucket of KFC, I know it's really not good for people to eat, but I can't cook for squat, and I don't want to make my wife prepare any food since the day before is our anniversary, she doesn't like turning, she just like selling the stuff, Andrew and I will have to leave pretty early to get there.

Maybe I won't get lost coming home this time.:redface::redface:
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Yeaaaaa, I just might to be able to meet you guys at the meeting. I can bring something to the party. Keith, Can you eat some potatoe salad, cole slaw. I can bring either one or both. Looking forward to it.
Keith I think I can be ready to travel by the 24th, I get my Spinal nerve block on the 21st, and they just said rest for 24 hrs, I'll borrow the wife's Vue and if necessary lay in the back.
David (oldman5050) bring one of the pens I made you the Bulldog decals for, I'd like to see one, or at least a picture of one!!
I have a Sorby tool sharpening set up that I bought at a Woodcraft store. I could demonstrate it. On another note. I was given today a branch of chittum wood (smoketree). I found out that this wood is extremely rare and is only found here in the Huntsville area. Would anybody know anything about the value of this wood and it toxity? Pen blank trades sound great to me.
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Steve has been trying to get me to one of the meetings for 6 month now and it just haven't worked out. I will make it Saturday! With my helper (hubby) Kevin!

Since I'm so late on responding..... tell me what food you need and I'll bring it!

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The food selection is being controlled by Keith. He has been tracking that.

Keith can you give a suggestion for food selection here?

I have the plates, drinks, flatware and other things like that. Look forward to seeing you all.
Here is the menu so far, and if I missed someone please let me know.

Steve- Grilling Ribs
Ken- Chicken
William- Potatoe Salad, Cole Slaw
Gary- Drinks, plates, silverware,etc.
Keith- Desert (Surprise)

If there is something any of you want to add, feel free to do so.

Looking forward to seeing everyone again.
Hey Guys,
If you have farmout kits from the wood shop on the arsenal, PLEASE bring them to the meeting. If you have not had a chance to turm them, that is ok, or if you still plan on turning them that is ok too. If you have not had a chance to turn them, I am sure someone will be willing to help out.

Thanks, Keith
Ila & I will be there.

I'm also bringing Charlie One from the wood shop. Charlie will do a sharpening technique demo that doesn't involve a sharpening machine.

And, I'll bring my vacuum chamber so that we can stabilize some spalted wood. Gary has some spalted hackbberry (if he hasn't burned in in the fireplace) that works well for the polyurethane stabilization. If you have some spalted wood that you want to try, bring it along.

As Keith mentioned earlier in the thread, if you have "farmouts" from the Freedom Pen project, please bring or send them to the meeting. I'll have a few more kits at the meeting to issue if someone else wants to give it a try.

As for food, Ila will bring a dessert of some kind, chips, and what ever else that strikes her fancy between now and Saturday.

And one more thing - I'll bring my itty bitty lathe.

Ursus (Boyce)
Nancy is going to make a Mississippi Mud cake which if you are watching your waste line you don't want to eat but a very small pice.

Boyce, I might have burned the wood you were talking about but I might could find some more. That dead stuff sure does burn good.
As fa as watching your waist line, I bout got mine out here where I can see it. Gary tell Nancy to use splenda on that mud cake. Does it really taste like mud????? LOL!
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Last note from me, it's still a go and I have stopped eating so I can have room for some road kill that Steve is cooking. Also, if you have a lawn chair could you bring it to sit on. Last count from Keith was 25 attending and Nancy and I don't have that many chairs. Look forward to seeing all and having a good time.

Remember, bring the family or special person.
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