MAPG Now Accepting Registrations

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Passed Away Dec 28, 2021
In Memoriam
Mar 8, 2006
Richmond, VA, USA.
The 2014 MAPG is shaping up to be a good sequel to last years event. Our program and vendors are mostly in place. Dates are May 2,3 2014. Check out the demo schedule and more details at Mid-Atlantic Penturners Gathering

We should soon have the deal closed for hotel rooms. It will likely be the Fairfield Inn (same as last year) but there are some others nearby if you prefer.

Stay tuned.
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Dee and I are looking forward to being there and looks like we might have our Vendors, Marla, Brad,Keith and working on others also:biggrin:
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Bruce, as I did last year, I created a forum here to discuss. I can make one of you a moderator of that forum so you can keep an information post up to date. I also put links on the front page.

Please let me know how we can help.
Registered! I was bummed that I had to miss it last year. Sounds like it was a good one. Bringing along my wife, Peri, for moral support and possible help with self-control(!) Russ
Well know my familial unit and Jonathon's will have to make a trip up there sometime when I get back.

Especially to escape that dang Georgia heat!

Dang it. Missing this years too. Want to push it until late June for me?

Always next year...maybe.

Would be happy to have you visit anytime you can make it...
Betsy and I look forward to being there! We'll have a little more than last year, so 3 or 4 tables Bruce?

And of course you will need extra room to throw things around :biggrin:

Speaking of extra room, last year I do recall over crowding being an issue and not much expansion room. Has there been any thought put into this in terms of growth?
Speaking of extra room, last year I do recall over crowding being an issue and not much expansion room. Has there been any thought put into this in terms of growth?

We talk about this frequently. Woodcraft generously donates the space which also comes with insurance. We've gotten the costs down to renting some chairs, maintaining the web site, some registration materials and a few miscellaneous items. These can be covered with donations. Getting much bigger requires securing a venue, insurance, possibly charging the vendors and attendees, making it a business instead of a hobby and all the associated paperwork.

I think we demonstrated last year that there is a thirst for this type of event. I was amazed how far some traveled. I can envision something bigger and perhaps even one that moves to different locations. If someone or some group wants to embark on this, I would be happy to help but at this point do not wish to take the lead. I suspect the other team members feel the same. I will say that it will take a dedicated team, a budget and planning needs to take place starting almost a year in advance in order to make it successful. In the meantime, we hope all who attend will enjoy MAPG 2014. Lets see if it is bigger or smaller than 2013.
Registered! I was bummed that I had to miss it last year. Sounds like it was a good one. Bringing along my wife, Peri, for moral support and possible help with self-control(!) Russ

Last year I planned to go shopping while Charlie attended MAPG. So I made my appearance with my hubby and I was hooked. Before we knew it, I was making purchases and he needed to help me with self control. Needless to say I didn't miss a demonstration and so glad I was able to see just what goes into this pen turning hobby. You can go to the mall anytime but there is only one MAPG.
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