Many different finishes

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Jul 12, 2007
Utopia, Texas
Ok guys.......I am fairly new to penturning......about a year now...there are so many different wqys to finish a quality pen....

So far, I have used the following methods: 1) Hut wax sticks 2) Hut Crystal Coat 3) EEE Ultrashine 4) CA/Blo 5) Mylands Polish 6) Ren Wax7) Shellac 6) Nothing

Each method seems to have its own characteristics. I have read Russ Fairfields comments on finishing.....makes sense....

What finish do you find that makes the most sense? time and effort....good , lasting quality......

Also, what finish do most buyers want?
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Jan 1, 2004
Wichita Falls, TX, USA.
Here are my comments, for what they are worth:
(1) HUT wax sticks: Not is most any wax...not worth the effort.
(2)HUT Crystal Coat: not acceptable along with other friction polishes. Several penturners do like friction polishes, but I don't find that the finish lasts after the pen is used. I've heard it said that a friction polish fininsed pen has been used for months or even a year or so and it still looks the same as when it was first made. I've yet to see one that does...It has never happened for me. Friction polish always seems to fade a short time after the pen is put into use.
(3)EEE Ultrashine: Not a finish but a polishing compound. It is essentially tripoli ground into a powder and mixed with a paste base. EEE(tripple E) and tripoli... sounds the same to me.'
(4)CA and Boiled Linseed Oil: The best finish I've found if the look it gives is the look one is seeking.
(5)Mylands (friction) Polish: see #(2)...these are shellac based and shellac doesn't like on our skin.
(6)Ren Wax: Not a finish but more of a protectorant. It is used as a top coat over the finish used. I'm not a fan of Ren Wax...but it is widely used.
(7) Shellac: nuff said in (2) and (5)
(8) Nothing: nothing is fine but the pen will darken as the moisture and oils from one's hand gets onto the pen. Not a bad look if the owner is told it will do that and it that is the look the owner wants.

What about Enduro and Lacquer? Have you not tried those? Next to CA, those are my favorites. Now, let the finish wars begin.:D:D[}:)]

What finish do most buyers want? Wow! I'll let someone else take that one.
do a good turn daily!

Originally posted by JAB1

So far, I have used the following methods: 1) Hut wax sticks 2) Hut Crystal Coat 3) EEE Ultrashine 4) CA/Blo 5) Mylands Polish 6) Ren Wax7) Shellac 6) Nothing

Also, what finish do most buyers want?


Dec 27, 2007
Brattleboro,VT, USA.
Originally posted by R2

Big move to Rustins by some of our turners here in Oz. One reason is the fumes from CA.

Am I the only person who knows about low-odor CA....specifically made for indoor applications?....there's also non-blooming so there's no risk of those little hazy bits

As for what finishes to use.....that's entirely up to you and your clientel. You can't determine how well a particular finishes are going to sell until you try them in your sales enviornment (whether you sell locally, or online). Here in the northeast US, I find that simply burnishing the wood sells just as well as a nice CA finish...maybe even better with some types of pens....and that's another piece to it, some kit/wood combinations will look better with different types of finishes. Right now I'm trying a Jr Statesman with a gun stalk finish of bees wax, turpentine and blo on curly maple that I learned about from an IAP member who makes gun stalks. My point is that there are so many variations to meet so many varieties of tastes that it seems silly to me to try to find just one finish to use.


Jan 31, 2008
Ottawa, Illinois
I agree with "Hello". Some pens need different finishes, mostly depending on the type of wood or material. I, like you have tried almost everything Ive read here and enjoy a nice CA finish on some but have also found comfort with lacquer. I am done with friction polish because experience has shown me that it does not last. Ive used some spray finish as well but let it cure for a few days and then hit it with EEE to give it a flawless smooth shine. Im still learning and looking forward to trying new ideas. Thanks to all of you at the IAP!
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