M3 Titanium Blue and Black Jr. Aaron

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Mar 9, 2014
Hi Folks:

I believe you saw this under one of Jon David's posts.

This is a Jr. Aaron with blue and black titanium M3.

Turned great using D-way rouging gouge and D-way Lacer skew. Both chisels were razor sharp. Finished with 400 to 600 dry AO, followed by damp MM to 12k, then polished A & B.

I loved it so much I bought and have already received more M3 titanium from PSI. Lastly, I have incorporated the feedback that all so generously shared with me last week. Thank you members and thank you Mike!

PS. My son wants a single tube SW with the red and black M3. I will turn and share this weekend.


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Thank you. I have his gouge, handle, quick change knob, skew, and CBN wheel - love them all.

I haven't used carbide in months unless I am parting a comfort pen. I prefer the control of the HSS. I do sharpen before every barrel though. I couldn't do that at JD's house bc I didn't have access to a CBN wheel (or didn't ask).

I even love sharpening which I was deathly afraid of. BTW, I believe Mike and many recommend carbide with the M3. I had no problem with the HSS and started sanding at 400.
Very lovely pen, Tony !!!! .. The M3 turns nicely, doesn't it ! You said your son wants you to make him a pen this weekend ... an SW ... what's that ? ... a South West ???
I think I found you guys on facebook I'm also on with a picture of my wife I don't post much. . Just like the pictures
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