Lapis Jr Gent and Amboyna Burl Baron

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Jul 1, 2006
Baghdad, Iraq
A couple more Christmas gifts, on their way to Ken's for engraving tomorrow. First is a Jr Gent in lapis trustone. This is the one for my Dad that has taken me three tries to complete -- one defective blank, one defective technique resulting in a ruined blank, one success. (Why is it always the nice, expensive blanks that I wreck?) Second is an amboyna burl Baron in bright copper, a kit which looks pretty nice with the reddish wood.



Cheers Eileen [8D]
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Excellent job. Way to hang in there. You have more patience than I.
Is the First one a TN Gold? I like the way the blank has the gold running through it.
I just posted a Copper baron in Amboyna. It's a beautiful combination. Your finish looks nicer than mine[:(]

They are both very well done, but I think you need to do something about your lighting. Both pictures have a reddish cast to them that is messing up the colors.
Great Work on the pens Eileen!

I love teh lapis, but find it harder to turn that the other tru stones...wondering what you found when you turned it?

Also I would love to see you post the pens after the engraving please, I would enjoy seeing the finished work.

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