Laminated Denim - micarta style.

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Dec 21, 2011
hot springs, ar
Okay - so I made some laminated denim with fiberglass resin from O'Reilly's. It was about $50 for the resin, $6 for the denim (should have gone to the thrift store and bought big pants), and a maybe $45 for rubber gloves, plastic, squeegee, and some groceries, which don't really count. :p
So not that big of an investment really, and I could have done it cheaper if I had thrift shopped.

So here's the block of laminated denim. 3/4" thick. I was hoping for 1", so I'll end up making more. Next time, instead of layering it, I'll roll it and add resin as I roll it, and then compress it. Should be quicker to make that way.

001 by snennewton, on Flickr

002 by snennewton, on Flickr

Cleaned up a bit. DId a horrible job cutting with the band saw. Will probably need a new blade after this. It's MURDER on the blades.

003 by snennewton, on Flickr

004 by snennewton, on Flickr

So I eventually took it to the table saw and that made pretty short work of it. THis stuff is TOUGH. Holy cow.

006 by snennewton, on Flickr

Drilling it out. Yikes. Again. Tough. Probably going to need new bits after this.

005 by snennewton, on Flickr

Funny thing though, it turned down SOOOO easy - using a carbide tool of course.

007 by snennewton, on Flickr

008 by snennewton, on Flickr

Freshly cut off, sanded piece. I goofed up on the threads though, so it won't be getting used. It was good practice though. :)
It looks really rough, but it's quite smooth.
Just for kicks, after I took this picture, I slammed it into my shop floor as hard as I could, and it bounced ALL the way to the ceiling, spun a second, and fell to the floor. Not a crack or chip. I took another section I had made a couple weeks back that I goofed up, and it SHATTERED to bits. Acrylic acetate. Holy cow. I love this denim stuff!

011 by snennewton, on Flickr
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Dec 21, 2011
hot springs, ar
It took the threads REALLY well, and they're good, but I goofed up. I turned 9/16" threads on a 12mm tenon. Should have cut 5/8" threads! D'OH!! That's what I get for working exhausted. I need SLEEP!


Dec 21, 2011
hot springs, ar
Well, the new TWSBI micarta is threaded, and it's the same stuff as this, so, why not. Should work out well though - I'll give a report back after a while.
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