Knife Friends!

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Dec 12, 2003
Blackfoot Idaho
OK Blade Heads!

I had a nice little vacation with my Wife over the past weekend. She bought some jewelry for herself, which is not all that unusual. We were visiting Pier 39 in San Francisco and suddenly my eye caught the flash of shiny steel. Yes, a knife shop! The name of this shop is We Be Knives, and surprisingly, the guy I talked with knew his subject, and he took his time with me. I had a nice visit with some nice people!

The good news: I bought a new Kershaw Ken Onion with spring-assist, with a nice understated brushed stainless handle. It is light, solid and good looking! Oh, and sharp! [:I] Here is a link to the closest thing I could find to my knife on their website. Mine looks just like this, only mine has a blade lock:

The bad news: While I love Kershaw knives (this is my third), this shop had a very nice selection of William Henry knives, and I am now lusting after one of those! [:0] I was able to handle several of these knives and was quite taken with them all. They are beautiful and well made. So now I am going to have to save up for one of these! The cheap ones were about $350! Here is a link to William Henry:

Here is the main webpage for the knife shop, just in case you want to waste a little time looking!

Scott! [8D]
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I also like Kershaw knives. I sold them out of my gunshop when they first started on the market in the early 1970s. I met the founder of the company at an NRA convention and showed him the small locking folder I carried. It had a cracked wood insert on the slab (handle). That really upset him and he wanted to send me a replacement. I declined as I liked the knife and the crack didn't bother me. I still have, and use, it. Those Henry knives are sure fancy. As for the $900.00+ pens...they don't impress me as being much better than some we see on this forum.
Nice!!! Kershaw makes great knives.

I am into older knives...especially the elephant toenail/sunfish style. My problem, it is very difficult to find them. [B)]:([V]
Originally posted by wdcav1952

Dario, I have never seen an elephant toenail knife. Seems like it would have to be a pretty stout knife!! ;)

Stout they are :D. Here are a few sample pics so you'll understand what I mean.

I hope this is not a hi-jack.



Dario! Those are very cool! That would be a great specialty for a collection!

Frank - I now have the three Kershaw knives, and my Wife carries one of her own. I think they are as good as any on the market (but what do I know?). I am a knife user, and I don't know that I would feel comfortable buying a knife that I wouldn't carry around and use. Those William Henry knives certainly look like something to be displayed rather than used, but I have to tell you, now after having handled several of them, they are real knives. They are built as well and function as nicely as any "user" out there. I am not thrilled with the pens. Oh, certain aspects of them are nice enough, but it looks to me like a pen made by a knife maker, which is like saying it looks like a pig made by a cow. I think they're going to have to earn their chops in the pen world, and just a pretty face will not get them there.

I've had some fun looking at the William Henry site this afternoon, and the most disheartening thing I found is that almost all the dealers are jewelry stores. That has to be a sad commentary for a maker of real knives!


Best feeling folding knife for me are Puma (Germany) and Case XX. Both makes great user (and collector) knives. That said, I never had the opportunity to hold a William Henry so I cannot compare.

I am not much into modern style knives BUT I won't mind owning a William Henry knife!!! :D;)
I carry one very similar to the one you linked, except mine has a semi-serrated blade. It is my daily use knife and the only time I am without it is when I am flying (don't want to donate it to TSC :(). Gave one just like it to my dad and he loves it as well.

When I was onboard ship, I also carried a Myerchin dive knife ( ) on my belt at all times. You never know when you will need a sharp knife onboard a Salvage Ship ;).
Scott said, in part, "I am a knife user, and I don't know that I would feel comfortable buying a knife that I wouldn't carry around and use."
Scott, one of personal life mantras is: 'Folks is funny critters.' And I mean that we do a lot of things that make no sense at all just because.....well, just because. I have many knives that I don't carry or use even though I am a fairly active knife user. One, a fine Boker, I don't carry because I'm concerned I will lose it even though I have never lost a knife in my life. Makes no sense at all. See my next post for an example.
Originally posted by Rifleman1776

Originally posted by Dario


Very interested, I will PM you for details :D
Got the e-mail, will respond.
Take a look at this site and read the item description. Then drool. ;)

Dang, Frank, that was SOME donation! I already knew you were an alright guy, but you just climbed a few notches. Good on you!

My modest collection pales in comparison to some of the stuff you guys are talking about. My favorite is the 3 blade Boker Tree Brand (German made) my little brother gave me for my 16th b-day. I carried it for about a month and sharpened it once. Then dad told me I shouldn't have ever touched it b/c Boker went out of business or quit making knives (at least in Germany). Oh well, I put it away and still have it. My next favorite is my Case Mother of Pearl Series Texas Toothpick. I got one for both dad and myself a few years ago at a Case outlet in southern MO.
This is fun!

Frank - Nice donation you made there! I have a nice old Boker. It is well used, but not anywhere near used up!

Last night I had to go and complicate things. I thought I'd check Ebay to see if the knife I bought was listed, and for how much. First of all, it was listed, and looked to be going for about what I paid for it, so I feel fine. But then I found an auction ending pretty quick for another similar Kershaw that nobody had even bid on yet. Yep, as soon as it gets here I'll now have four Kershaw knives! Whatever! I'm not going to kick myself for owning knives. [8D] But I may have to find another brand to look for, just for the heck of it!

Originally posted by alamocdc

Originally posted by Rifleman1776

Originally posted by Dario


Very interested, I will PM you for details :D
Got the e-mail, will respond.
Take a look at this site and read the item description. Then drool. ;)

Dang, Frank, that was SOME donation! I already knew you were an alright guy, but you just climbed a few notches. Good on you!

My modest collection pales in comparison to some of the stuff you guys are talking about. My favorite is the 3 blade Boker Tree Brand (German made) my little brother gave me for my 16th b-day. I carried it for about a month and sharpened it once. Then dad told me I shouldn't have ever touched it b/c Boker went out of business or quit making knives (at least in Germany). Oh well, I put it away and still have it. My next favorite is my Case Mother of Pearl Series Texas Toothpick. I got one for both dad and myself a few years ago at a Case outlet in southern MO.

That Lile knife was valued at about $5,000.00. I really, and do mean REALLY could have used the money. But, somehow, I felt better about donating it the state museum. Arkansas is famous for it's knife making history and the museum has an outstanding knife display section.

I knew the knife is worth a lot but never thought it costs $5,000.00! [:0]

Must have been difficult giving it up...but feel rewarding afterwards. Here's another guy tipping his hat to you.
Originally posted by Scott

I found an auction ending pretty quick for another similar Kershaw that nobody had even bid on yet.


Be very careful...eBay can be a money pit. I know because it got me. [B)]

The good part, it is a buyers market right now and a lot of deals can be had if you are smart with your purchases. ;)
Boker-Germany knives are great but the USA made that I got are (sadly) sub-standard. I hope not all are but I am not willing to get anymore. I can almost equate them to those made in China and Pakistan!!! :(
Originally posted by Dario


I knew the knife is worth a lot but never thought it costs $5,000.00! [:0]

Must have been difficult giving it up...but feel rewarding afterwards. Here's another guy tipping his hat to you.

That particular knife was personally made my Jimmy Lile in 1975 for the National Muzzle Loading Rifle Association Bi-Centennial celebration. In later years he had a small factory and his semi-production knives sold for $1,000.00 to over $2,000.00. The $5,000.00 figure is a very solid appraisal of what a collector should expect to pay for that early one-of-one hand made Jimmy Lile bowie.
Hi Eric! I couldn’t view your link until tonight. That dive knife is pretty cool! The semi-serrated blade Kershaw is the one I just got on Ebay last night, or at least probably the same. I’ll try to take pictures when it gets here.

Andy, that knife you linked to on the Smoky Mountain site is exactly like the one I got on vacation, except for the Damascus Steel in the blade! Mine is the plain 1660. And I would have definitely gone for the Damascus if they had had one! Nice knife!


With provenance like that, I don't doubt that $5,000.00 figure. As you always say...collectors/folks are funny critters. ;)
Hi Guys!

I finally figured out that the knife my Wife was looking at while I was checking out the William Henry's was an Al Mar. Are they pretty good? It was an Al Mar Osprey, with Cocobolo scales on the handle.

Originally posted by Scott

Hi Guys!

I finally figured out that the knife my Wife was looking at while I was checking out the William Henry's was an Al Mar. Are they pretty good? It was an Al Mar Osprey, with Cocobolo scales on the handle.


The Al Mar knives are sold by Russell, the Arkansas knife dealer. He claims they are very desirable. Russell gets top prices for his knives but he has a beautiful catalog and has been in business since the stone age, so he is doing something right.
Thanks Frank!

I ordered in the knife my Wife liked. It's a small one and will fit nicely in her purse. In looking at the Al Mar knives on the web, I like the one called the SLB, and also the Eagle with the Talon blade. I have heard of Russell knives - I should get a catalog.

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