Kit Question: The Accord

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Oct 16, 2009
Colorado Springs, CO
Anyone know who makes the Accord for Woodcraft? I really like the kit's style, balance, and quality but $20 is a bit pricey for a single tube, twist BP.

Woodcraft must have an exclusive arrangement with the manufacturer (along with the Inertia and Emperor models).

I was just hoping to find another seller and a lower price.
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All three of the Woodcraft kits mentioned seem over-priced to me, at around the $20 mark or more.

Smitty says, with regard to the Accord:

Couldn't find another identical kit but there are any number that are fairly similar for a lot less money.

Could you specify 3 or 4 of the "any number that are fairly similar" kits, please, Smitty. Thanks.
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With respect, I disagree. Nothing I've found, and I've tried many , matches it for weight, appearance, and quality.

Hmmm, maybe it's worth the money after all.
I too would like to know where woodcraft is sourcing these and some of the other kits they started selling that don't seem to be from Berea. At least they are not just rebranded Berea kits.

This kit is a but different than other styles around and does make an intriguing contribution.

It's a shame that they overpriced it. Maybe they are testing the market and will lower the price eventually.

There is nothing else quite like this on the market as far as style. .

But there are high quality single tube kits that are a better value. I'll mention two - the liberty and the coyote.

The biggest strength of the accord to me having not tried it is that it shows off lots of blank material and less metal. A quality of the long click but this one seems like a nice size.
All three of the Woodcraft kits mentioned seem over-priced to me, at around the $20 mark or more.

Smitty says, with regard to the Accord:

Couldn't find another identical kit but there are any number that are fairly similar for a lot less money.

Could you specify 3 or 4 of the "any number that are fairly similar" kits, please, Smitty. Thanks.
Le Roi Elegant Royale, Polaris, Patriot, Le Roi Elegant LB are all kits with longer wood like the Accord they have 3/8th or approximately 3/8th tubes. They can all be equipped with parker refills. I am going by the look which shows a lot of wood. I have not actually handled and looks a little heavier than most but that is either an advantage or disadvantage depending on the buyer or it can even be neutral as some buyers probably wouldn't notice.

With respect, I disagree. Nothing I've found, and I've tried many , matches it for weight, appearance, and quality.

Hmmm, maybe it's worth the money after all.
My judgement is based on the fact that I noticed that it is not offered with a high end finish I saw only Chrome and Gun Metal. Top Drawer kits are offered with Rhodium and/or Black Ti or one of the upsclale golds.

I have not lifted the kit nor looked at it personally so I can't speak to the general finish of the parts...I'll take your word that it is good - but so are a lot of others.

It does look like a different transmission that might give it a little more weight that similar kits but that can be either an advantage or disadvantage depending on what the buyer's preference is. Ditto with balance - that is a buyer preference. I think you like the Accord which is perfectly OK.

I do think that who ever is making them for woodcraft is probably not making them for anyone else. Woodcraft prices are a little higher than most because they have great box stores where most pen kit sellers on line do not.

With respect, I disagree. Nothing I've found, and I've tried many , matches it for weight, appearance, and quality.

Hmmm, maybe it's worth the money after all.
My judgement is based on the fact that I noticed that it is not offered with a high end finish I saw only Chrome and Gun Metal. Top Drawer kits are offered with Rhodium and/or Black Ti or one of the upsclale golds.

I not lifted the kit nor looked at it personally so I can't speak to the general finish of the parts...I'll take your word that it is good - but so are a lot of others.

It does look like a different transmission that might give it a little more weight that similar kits but that can be either an advantage or disadvantage depending on what the buyer's preference is. Ditto with balance - that is a buyer preference. I think you like the Accord which is perfectly OK.

I do think that who ever is making them for woodcraft is probably not making them for anyone else. Woodcraft prices are a little higher than most because they have great box stores where most pen kit sellers on line do not.

I have to agree with Fishrule, (at least for the Inertia and Emperor), quality of parts is far superior to other kits out there that I've used. The finish on the Inertia is far better that anything else even though its plane and may look cheap. The expensive metals but cheaply done plating on low quality parts that you get from 90% of kits out there, doesn't really make them high quality, just mutton dressed as lamb:biggrin:
I just made one ( the wild horse stamp pen in SOYP ) and I really like it.Silky smooth twist mechanism,& I like the way it feels in the hand & to write with.

Even the refill writes like an upgraded one.I hate that it costs so much,but ended up getting three of them,as they look like the perfect stamp pen,with the thin clip,and 3.5 in long barrel.

I figured it is made by Berea.

I think it's my new favorite!


With respect, I disagree. Nothing I've found, and I've tried many , matches it for weight, appearance, and quality.

Hmmm, maybe it's worth the money after all.
My judgement is based on the fact that I noticed that it is not offered with a high end finish I saw only Chrome and Gun Metal. Top Drawer kits are offered with Rhodium and/or Black Ti or one of the upsclale golds.

I not lifted the kit nor looked at it personally so I can't speak to the general finish of the parts...I'll take your word that it is good - but so are a lot of others.

It does look like a different transmission that might give it a little more weight that similar kits but that can be either an advantage or disadvantage depending on what the buyer's preference is. Ditto with balance - that is a buyer preference. I think you like the Accord which is perfectly OK.

I do think that who ever is making them for woodcraft is probably not making them for anyone else. Woodcraft prices are a little higher than most because they have great box stores where most pen kit sellers on line do not.

I have to agree with Fishrule, (at least for the Inertia and Emperor), quality of parts is far superior to other kits out there that I've used. The finish on the Inertia is far better that anything else even though its plane and may look cheap. The expensive metals but cheaply done plating on low quality parts that you get from 90% of kits out there, doesn't really make them high quality, just mutton dressed as lamb:biggrin:
There is no such thing as expensive plating cheaply done with regard to pen plating. This has been discussed here often. Chrome is Chrome - Rhodium is Rhodium. I personally can't see any big difference - but Chrome is cheap and Rhodium is expensive. Ditto Gun Metal and Black Ti - again I can't see much difference but Gun Metal is cheap and Black Ti is expensive. 24K Gold in my opinion is a little prettier than Gold Tn but regardless of how expensive the kit 24K Gold (even with a clear epoxy to protect it) will not last as long as Gold Tn regardless of the price of the kit.
Smitty, I am surprised that you can't see any big difference between chrome and rhodium .... they are like chalk and cheese to me !
Ditto for gun metal and black titanium.

But maybe this thread is getting hijacked by discussing this here. Perhaps I should post in the "Gun metal vs. black titanium" thread.
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Smitty, I am surprised that you can't see any big difference between chrome and rhodium .... they are like chalk and cheese to me !
Ditto for gun metal and black titanium.

But maybe this thread is getting hijacked by discussing this here. Perhaps I should post in the "Gun metal vs. black titanium" thread.
I mentioned those two finish comparisons only because the ACCORD that the OP asks about comes only Chrome and Gun Metal. Given Woodcraft's typical pricing for pen kits the ACCORD would be comparable in price to a lot of single barrel kits from other vendors including some longer barrel kits with 3/4th tubes, some with higher grade finishes. So that is somewhat related to the OP question.

BTW in the last 7 -8 years my vision has deteriated a lot and my left and right eyes each see their own way and don't work as well together as they should so I see colors Ok but nuances in color are not as easy for me to distinguish. That could be related - if I see Rhodium and Chrome side by side I can tell which is which...if I see either one alone I can't say which I am looking at.
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