Just another way of making a pen

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George, enjoyed your informative tutorial on threading and kitless pen turning so far. I just attempted my first try at threading a few days ago and was successful at it :biggrin: Your advise on pushing the tailstock while hand turning and how to remove tap was reasuring knowing I did something right before reading this thread. Not sure why I did those things but made my first attempt a success :)

Can't wait till you show us how you do your caps. Mainly the clips. How you attach them to the cap.

Gret job so far George

Keith "mrburls"
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The other have said it very well. Fine work, George. Thanks for showing your methods. I've had some problems with the threading in the past, so I start the threads the same way that you do, then disconnect from the tailstock and use a hand holder to continue the threading. Not knocking your way in any sense, just sharing my minor modification.
Thanks for the kind words guys, I finished a few lids for the naked pens in the first post. I took a few photos while making then so when I get to it, probably this afternoon, I'll post part two of this little exercise.

Here are the lids I made today.

simplicity pens1.jpg
Well I;ve ordered a die holder and chuck for my lathe. I'm going to try a Gentleman II.
Where can I get the thread sizes? I've got all kings of taps but pen has very little threads to work with.

I bow to the master, I will no longer be showing anything I do in here, just not cool enough anymore. :wink:
did you see the new clips posted last weekend at Elliot's site? The Deco one would look sharp on the green cap with the black finial.

You caught that little detail did you! Keen eye!:)

I saw those clips but the look a little rough in the photo. I think I've tried all of his clips but like the little rolling balls the best. The ring fits my cap size just right.

I know that you did not specify tap and die size intentionally however based on my research specific tap and does are needed for each nib holder and cap if using kit hardware like internal threading. Sooooo my question is are you using the group buy tap and dies to replicate the threads required for the cap and are you using Lou's taps and for the internal threads of the nib holder?

If not would you mind sharing where you are buying your nib holders and compatable taps and what size tap and dies you are using for the internal cap and external body threads.

Thanks, Manny
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OK here is my guess. Seeing that the nib you are using says Dayacom I am guessing you are using a M10 x 1 tap and a El Grande nib holder and nib.

The cap and body can be just about anything but I will guess 1/2 x 36tpi

Wink once for yes twice for no

For the threads where the cap screws onto the lower body I use the multi-start tap and die set which was part of a group buy in 2008. This size thread works perfectly for the size of pens I make. I used a 1/2" x 20 for one of those Sharpie pens and it worked fine so I don't see where a 1/2" x 36 wouldn't work just well for the average size pen.

As far as sections go, Berea sections with feeds already installed are readily available so I bought a good supply of them. Kit nibs as well as the nibs Lou sells both fit these feeds just fine.

To tap the internal threads in the lower pen body to accept these Berea sections, I find the 10mm x 1mm tap works just fine although it is not a perfect match.

That said, as I use up the Berea sections I don't plan on ordering any more because they are only good for rubber cartridges or ink converters. Instead I have chosen to use one nib/feed/housing supplier for my pens and make custom sections for them. This way I will use one nib, one feed and one housing so the sections will all internally be the same and I can concentrate on the section lower ends whether I am making a bulb filler or button filler or just using a converter.

I chose to go with Lou since he supplies the tap for both his large and small feed housings and has a good quantity of housing/feed/nibs available in both steel and gold, large and small.

Are you using Lou's large or small feed housing when you make a custom section that will be used with a cap threaded with the multi-start tap? The reason I ask is my own experimentation has shown that there are some pretty tight tolerances in play when the large housing is used, and this has resulted in the creation of some thin-walled, shapeless sections that are not suitable for use.

Are you using Lou's large or small feed housing when you make a custom section that will be used with a cap threaded with the multi-start tap? The reason I ask is my own experimentation has shown that there are some pretty tight tolerances in play when the large housing is used, and this has resulted in the creation of some thin-walled, shapeless sections that are not suitable for use.

I use about 70% small and 30% large. Something to consider.... take a look at how the housing for the large feed is shaped, then see how much of the forward section you can remove, which will give you just a little thicker wall sleeve and a decent shape.

Thanks for the tips, and for confirming my findings that the large housing IS just a wee bit too large (unmodified, as it comes from the vendor) for my particular application.

I'll give your suggestions a try...
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Thank you so much for this insight on making something above and beyond the standard kit pens I've been doing. I really would like to evolve into doing something like this, so seeing this tutorial is a great way to shorten the learning curve!

A couple of questions, if I may. Where do you buy ebonite? I haven't found any sources online, and the idea interests me. Also, where do you buy the front section? Or is that all found in the Fountain Pen area?

Thanks Again! I'm eagerly awaiting the follow up regarding the caps!
I will PM you. I hope this thread stays focused on the discussion of actually making pens rather than degrading into plugs for various vendors. The classifieds are full of ads and I hope that's where those discussions stay.

I hope you don't mind, but I'm curious myself.
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