Jr. Statesmen, Twist & Flat

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Aug 18, 2004
Scottsdale, AZ
Here are a couple of pens from the mill. Made from the Jr Statesmen, a flat burl (don't know what kind) & a buckeye burl twist, extended.

Got my injection for my elbow pain and was told to stay off the golf course and out of the shop for a month. :( ( yea right )
So I am heading for the woods in Flagstaff this weekend with my pistols to go discuss the situation with some big squirels and get my attitude right again. My next pen you see, just might have a squirrel tail attached to it :D

Thanks for looking, comments of all sorts allways welcome [8D]


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With all the investment you made in the mill, I'd hate to see it sit idle for any lenght of time while you recouperate. Why don't you send it to me? I'll keep it tuned up properly for you.

Those are beauties (as usual)! Best wishes for a speedy recovery.
Coach, glad to see you haven't lost your Penchetta! [:)] Kills me though, when you bring up the subject [:D]

Thanks for the offer Jim, But that's why I have been using the mill, I still got one good wing left and I can crank the handle with my left arm [:D]
Anthony, hate to here about the elbow. Was it cortisone shot. Have had that in the knee three times. Most you can have it in any one spot I think.
I like the pens. Hope you shoot left handed or the pistols won't help your elbow any more than the golf clubs did[:D].

Have a great weekend regardless!
The faceted one really gets my juices flowing!! The twisted one looks like it was designed by a Russian penmaker....ponderous. It might appeal to me a lot more if the "braids" were finer...smaller and more delicate. But I imagine that would add a great deal to the problem of finishing??
Johnny, when they shot my knee a few years ago, it made every joint in my body feel good again [:)] The cortisone shot I got the other day, did nothing. I wanted to call the Doc and ask if they got the shot mixed up with sugar water [xx(]

Tip, I just hope I got enough wind in me to run them down and get them tree'd [:D]

It appears the flats have it over the twist, thanks for the comments.
The flat one is nice. Definetly gives it a differnt look. Not so sure on the twists yet though but it defiently looks good to.
Anthony, the same with me happened. Only bad thing was it didnt last long enough. The elbow though is alot harder, believe it or not you work your elbow more than your knee. The knees bad point is all the weight you put on it. I hate to tell you but your elbow will never feel good again. There is some ointment that you can put on it that seems to work better than anything I have ever seen. I will try to find out the name of it.
I like the unknown burl pen best. I'm going to guess either mesquite or walnut burl, leaning heavily toward mesquite. I do like the flat one best, but I respect the talent that it takes to make a twist. I wonder what it would look like with a black chrome kit. They are both nice though and are way beyond my skill.
Aw, Anthony, I can see you're just fishin' for compliments again...... I guess they're alright; but when I chop my pen blanks right out of the tree with my old handy ax, I can get flats and twists and squares and curves, blocks, knocks and dents all on one pen at the same time! These look entirely too commercial to be hand works of art like mine! I suppose you're just gonna sell them; and, probably, somebody is gonna wanna buy'em too! With my handi-artworks, I don't have to put up with all that business like stress and strain. I just hand them out wherever. None of that businessy stress for me![}:)]
I guess I would have to agree with the others and say I like the burl the best, but choosing one of your pens over the other is hard to do. Now go shoot that squirrel and bring him back and put him in one of your resin blanks and lets see a pen
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