Jr Statesman FP - Amboyna Burl

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Feb 15, 2004
Webb, AL, USA.
This is a Jr Statesman fountain pen that I made today. It is made of Amboyna Burl that I got from Bill Baumbeck. I don't like the way my new photography tent removes to glossiness, but it does even out the lighting real well. I need to find some better background material, maybe like Alice uses. I like the Jr Statesman kits better than any other I have tried. They are simple to make, but have a classy look with the extra accents that the Jr Gent doesn't have.
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Jim--only partially in jest--do you ever get tired of topping your own work? This is just marvelous. I'm not sure why I've stayed away from the Jr Statesman. I guess I'm just in love with the Jr Gent fountain pen that I usually write with. I'm going to have to go the distance and order a few of these kits. After seeing the accents against the amboyna burl, it's just to nice not to try.
Very nice, Jim. That is a beautiful piece of wood. I agree with everything you say about that kit. It is my favorite. I've had the same experience with the light tent. Glossy finishes just don't show that well in them.
Jim--what light source(s) are you using with your Cocoon? I doubt that I'll have the answer to the problem, but with a little more info, maybe one of the photo buffs here might. I also have a friend who is a professional. He might have some thoughts if I provide the right info.
I have the tabletop studio kit below. It came with (2) 250 watt quartz lights. I feel like I need at least one more light. These lamps including the stands cost about $100 each. The bulbs are about $14.

The studio works well, but I wanted to try the tent to get the better light diffusion I have been hearing so much about. So, I bought the cocoon below. I just found a cocoon user guide on their website. It talks a lot about lighting. I guess I had better read it.
If that doesn't help, drop me an email. I'll call my friend and see what he suggests.
Originally posted by woodpens
<br />I just found a cocoon user guide on their website. It talks a lot about lighting. I guess I had better read it.
Great looking pen Jim . Just 1 question though since I've never turned one of these - Where does the cap go when you're using the pen ? Does it snap onto the end ?

It looks like a great pen and photo to me.

I think Rich mentioned something on the Guild board about using an additional non-diffused light to show off a glossy finish.

Anyway, like I said...great pen and picture.
I appreciate all of the comments.

The cap does not post on this pen. On the Jr Gentleman, there is an option for posting. Either the end is like this one, or it has threads for posting the cap. You just set the cap on your desk with this style.

I think pointing a light over the top opening in the cocoon may do the trick. The reason I wanted the tent was to avoid so much glare on the hardware. Maybe this will do the trick when I get another light.
Jim, another great looking pen!

I didn't have much luck with the tent either. It seems like you need twice the amount of light and it made my pens look like they had a satin finish (no gloss or shine). I hope you get it figured out, I still have mine and would use it again if it worked.

BTW, I got that case and I really like it, thanks!

Another fine pen Jim, that is going to be one good looking order when you are done with it!

Just finished an amboyna tonight as well, definately in my top three favorite woods.

Wow, Jim---very nice pen and the kit is great!!! Looks like a nice photo setup you have---hope you can get all to work to your liking--but, I thought the photo was real good.
Wow, Great looking pen Jim.[8D] Thanks for showing you photo set up. Where did you get yours? I’ve been trying to improve in this area and been trying to compile all the information that I can get on this subject.
Thanks for the comments.
I bought both of these from www.sell-it-on-the-net.com.

The tabletop studio page is here:

The cocoon is here:
That is a GREAT looking pen!!! If that is your version of a bad photo, it beats my version of a good one. Way to go.

Also, thanks for all the good photo info in this thread, everyone.
Jim if you want a different background go to one of the hobby shops a look at the different papper for scrapbooking. They have tons of different things. Look in my album I think that I have a couple that I just picked up a little while ago. One looks like music score, and another like the Consitution and another I have is for my ladies pens that is little roses in a pink background. The cost is not bad at all either. I bought my stuff at Michaels.

Originally posted by wayneis
<br />Jim if you want a different background go to one of the hobby shops a look at the different papper for scrapbooking. They have tons of different things. Look in my album I think that I have a couple that I just picked up a little while ago. One looks like music score, and another like the Consitution and another I have is for my ladies pens that is little roses in a pink background. The cost is not bad at all either. I bought my stuff at Michaels.


Just be aware, to use those materials and publish them (and putting them on the internet is publishing) is a copyrite infringement and unlawful. If you will look on the back side of those photos and papers from Michael's you will see that many are copyrited.

I'm not admonishing anyone here for using them (I use them myself), just giving free advice eventhough it wasn't asked for.

Thanks for the tip. I was wondering where you get your backgrounds. That is a great idea. I will check them out. I'll also play with the point of attack some. [;)]


I also appreciate your advice. I will look for the copyright notices.
Gary it is only an infringment if you are trying to sell the photo itself. At least in my case I'm only trying to enhance the photo to help sell a pen and that is not in violation because the photo is not included in the sale.

Wayne, I don't want to start an arguement, but that simply isn't true.

It is copyrite infringement to copy and use a copyrited material without the owner's permission, whether you do it for gain or not. In using the material without paying the owner, you deprive him of income and therin lies the problem. That is what copyrite law is all about. It is his property you are using.

"A copyright is a form of intellectual property that grants its holder the sole legal right to copy their works of original expression, such as a literary work, movie, musical work or sound recording, painting, computer program, or industrial design, for a defined period of time. Copyright infringement occurs when a person copies someone else's copyrighted items without permission. This would also include public display of a copy of copyrighted work."

Originally posted by wayneis
<br />Gary it is only an infringment if you are trying to sell the photo itself. At least in my case I'm only trying to enhance the photo to help sell a pen and that is not in violation because the photo is not included in the sale.

Man you guys make life tough! Not only do I have to try and keep up with the pen making/spending[;)] but now I have to convince my wife to let me get some new photographic equipment so I can show off my pens better. [:0] She's going to have me committed!! That would be bad. I doubt they would let me bring my lathe.[V]
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