Jr Gent vs Jr Gent II

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Apr 14, 2005
Austin, TX, USA.
I know this question has been asked earlier but I can't seem to find the answer I need from re-reading the old threads.

What's the advantage/disadvantage of Jr Gent II over Jr Gent?

I noticed that Jr Gent II is a bit longer which is a big plus since I like the tapered cap on it. It also have metal threads instead of black plastic (a toss up if plus or not for me). Anything else?

I am asking since it will require new set of bushings and drills...need to know if it is worth it or not before buying more kits.

Thank you
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Dario, the big advantage is the the Jr Gent will no longer be made and Jr Gent II took it's place...
As for drills, CSU has a set of brad point drills identical to the ones that I use for about $30.00... a great buy.. all the bits you need up to 1/2" in 1/64" increments... of course you still have to buy the big ones for the Gentleman and Ligero... and I wish they would offer them in brad point also...
Dario, From my experence there is not an advantage because they made the problem with the threads worse. With the version I gents there was an "occasional" problem with the threads but with the version II every kit has a new problem. With the new kits you have to be extreemly carefull when you are screwing the cap onto the bottom barrel because you can crossthread or strip the threads very easy. Rich K. wrote a fix but it only works for for threads on the nib end not the opposit end. In my opinion they made the problem worse and I won't buy any of the new kits again until it is fixed for good. This is a big dissapointment to me because the Jr. gent and statesman are my favorite kits. I'm sitting on several that I can't in good consence sell to anybody.

Wayne, I thought I remembered seeing something about a Jr. Gent threading problem. Of the 2 I've turned thus far, you have to be very careful when trying to put the cap on and it takes holding your mouth just right to get it to work. They both want to cross thread and not go on right. I'm thinking that this could be a serious selling deterant for those who handle them. I've not had this problem with a single Baron, so I'll probably be sticking with them for the most part.
Billy that is exactly what I was talking about. The problem is with the version II every kit of the Jr gent and Jr. Statesman is affected with version I it was only the occasional kit. I made probably around a hundred or close to it between the Jr. Gent and the Jr. Statesman and only had a problem with a small amount. I have desided that as long as version I is available I'll take my chances with that but then on its the Baron untill the problem is fixed for good. When a person gives you a check for $125.00 and you tell them that they have to be extra carefull putting the cap on...well lets just say that sometimes that little check goes up in smoke.

To me, the advantage of the Series II's is that the tip is a little wider than the Series I's, which is more comfortable for people with larger hands. I used a Series I for an 8-hour written exam a few weeks ago, and found the tip to be a bit too narrow for my hands - a Series II probably would have been better for me. For perspective, my wedding band is a size 10.5 or 10.75, from the crease at the bottom of my hand's heel to my middle fingertip, both hands are approximately 7 3/4" long, and both hands are approximately 3 3/4" wide across the bottom nuckles of my fingers (excluding my thumb). Not incredibly large hands by any stretch - I consider them to be on the bigger side of average for men's hands. So, for about 1/2 of my male customers and some female customers, Series II's will likely be advantageous.

I have only made one Series II, and it was a Jr. Statesman II. The cap threads very nicely on that one, but since the kit does not allow the cap to post, I can't comment on the threads on that end. I completely forgot that it was a Series II, or I would have tried writing with it before I sent it off as a gift! Guess I'll have to make one for myself this weekend! [:D]
Wayne, I have a couple of the Jr Gent II kits but haven't actually made them yet. After reading these posts I tried the threaded parts and every time I tried them they wanted to cross thread unless I was very careful to align them perfectly. I gave the threaded parts to LOML and asked her to screw them together but be careful - they tried to cross thread every time.[V]
I like the looks of the pen but after this I'm putting future purchases on hold until the problem is fixed. It's too bad because otherwise the Jr Gent/Jr Statesman are really good looking pens. I haven't had any problems with barons so I'll stay with those for now.
Jim somehow you lucked out then because everyone that I've talked to has had that problem starting when Rick K. did a trial pen for CSUSA, he wrote an article about it.

George get in on the bulk buy for the version I, then you can make the pens and not have the hassle. I hope that CS fixes the problem soon, after all they have known about it for quite a while.

I was disappointed to see this thread today. I have recently purchased a few hundred dollars worth of Jr. Statesmen Series II. I made the purchase after talking to Brian at CUSA about how the series I was changed to prevent the cross threading. I have yet to make one with the new kit; I’ll give it a try next week and see how it works. I do hope that Nils is reading this thread and that he might be able to address the concern of the cross threading and what changes or corrections are being made.
Originally posted by JimGo
<br />To me, the advantage of the Series II's is that the tip is a little wider than the Series I's, which is more comfortable for people with larger hands.

Really??? The sections are identical on the ones I have in front of me. Unless there has been a recent change that I am not aware of, the cap threads are different between V1 and V2 (male threads on the coupler) but the section threads (female thread on the coupler) are the same. In fact the the grip sections interchange between V1 and V2. And that thin section, Jim, is also my only concern with that whole series, V1 or V2, for my own personal use.

Interestingly, nobody pointed out that the main body finial on jrS V2 is different. In V1, the only difference between jrG and jrS was in the cap. Now in V2 the main body is also distinct, in that it uses a nice decorative finial (which is why the price increased in that model.)
I thought I remembered the tip (the part that you actually hold onto) as being thicker in the Jr. Statesman II. Perhaps I was comparing the Jr. Statesman Series II to a Jr. Gent Series I. Hmmmm...now you have me curious!
Originally posted by JimGo
I thought I remembered the tip (the part that you actually hold onto) as being thicker in the Jr. Statesman II. Perhaps I was comparing the Jr. Statesman Series II to a Jr. Gent Series I. Hmmmm...now you have me curious!
All the round sections: jrG1, jrS1, jrG2, jrS2, Baron are identical diameter and fully interchange in what I have here. Remember the triangular section original jrG1 RB? Same thread, but because of the 2 cutaways that felt REALLY thin! The 6-sided section on the Baron RB does not feel that much thinner because it is closer to round.
Not that it really matters, but the problems with the Jr. Statesman V2 is such a PIA with the threading I exchanged mine for V1's. Right now it's just not worth the hassle for me or a customer. While I'm sure that CS USA will address the problem, I'm less sure that it will be a timely decision. Let's all cross our fingers. [8D]
I think I was the first one to complain about the threading issue with the Gent Jr - what version I don't know, all the ones I had bought before there was an announcement made that a second generation of these pens are being introduced.
I have made my share of Gents Jr that had issues with either loose threads that won't grip the cap on the nib end or the impossibility to proper post the cap. I never had any of these problems with the Baron and that I will make in the future exclusively for this type of pen.
Craft Supplies treated me well, in a manner I like to be treated as a non satisfied customer: they exchanged all my problem kits ( I had eight bad ones in an order of 10) and even replaced me the stab. BEB for the ones I already had made. Some of my sales fell through due to the non-posting cap issue, well that's life.
I never made a JGI because of the complaints like these, but when the JGII came out I ordered 5 and made 2 and tossed the others aside. I had a lot of trouble with the threads on both of them. CSUSA did offer to replace all my kits but I didn't want anymore of them so I just let it go.
Dario, I didn't mean to help hijack your thread, but I thought it was worth mentioning. BTW, the 10 Jrs I ordered (5 RBs and 5 FPs) were V2s. Looks like I need to call Nils. I just don't think I can sell these and am afraid to waste more high dollar blanks on them.
Originally posted by woodscavenger
<br />I just wish the Baron had a tapered cap.....BB are you listening?
If you are making Ti Gold Barons, you can get the tapers from the Jr. Gent V1's from Bill or CS USA. A buck a piece, as I recall from a couple of months ago.
Originally posted by DCBluesman
<br />
Originally posted by woodscavenger
<br />I just wish the Baron had a tapered cap.....BB are you listening?
If you are making Ti Gold Barons, you can get the tapers from the Jr. Gent V1's from Bill or CS USA. A buck a piece, as I recall from a couple of months ago.
You can also get the platinum ones... they match... I have both and platings match...
Just by way of update- We are currently assessing the problem and working out a fix. I can't say just yet if or when we'll have any changes but we are working on it and I'll keep you informed as I find out more.
Thanks Nils. Just FYI, I put together my 2nd Jr. Statesman II, and didn't have a problem with the thread. Maybe I'm just lucky.
Jim it sounds as though you somehow got the version I not the II because the problem is with every kit. The problem is that you have to hold the two halves just right as you screw them together or they will catch and if you turn to far then you cross thread.
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