It's ok to be a guinea pig when......

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Jun 27, 2007
Zionsville, Indiana
the final product turns out like this.

It's our understanding this is the first of time this has been posted on a Jr. Statesman.

We hate to do it but first we have to thank Ed. Ed was kind enough to get us in touch with Eagle. We started passing emails back and forth in mid December so this was not something that happened overnight. Better yet we have a new found friend that had confidence in us as well as his product. He shared his knowledge and experience which enabled us to accomplish turning this fantastic blank. Also need to thank Cav and Lou who made us apprehensive enough to be extremely careful when turning.

This project was started as a thank you to our Daughter who sold our first $100+ pen last year. Her favorite color is blue so that was a must, and second it had to be special. Due to some wonderful people on IAP and elsewhere we will be able to present this gift to her next week. We have never turned a blank as difficult as this. It was painfully slow to turn and required the CONSTANT sharpening of the skew. The finish was also a major challenge. We had never put a CA finish on an resin blank before. Add the fact that you are dealing with resin, wood and metal all on the same blank, it can become very frustrating to say the least.

A big heartfelt thanks to Eagle and his artistic talent.....




Mike & Linda
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That is an incredible pen, I wish I'd been a member here when Eagle was around, his blanks are outstanding. Your turning was also done extremely well [8D][8D]
Originally posted by wdcav1952

That had to be a nail-biter the entire way

These blanks had to be the reason One Way developed the sit down lathe![:0] Yes it was ruff in some ways as I used a skew differently than I normally do. Was a real joy to finishing it without tearing it up! Thanks again Cav!

Mike & Linda
Congratulations Mike and Linda!!!

"I love it when a plan comes together", as they say!!!

That blank, for those who have not attempted such things, is composed of acrylester (yes, the commercial one) as well as some metal and veneer. NONE of these materials have the same density and they are not conducive to "sticking together". So, SHARP takes on a whole new meaning.

I did not get this far on my only attempt (to date). I blew it up in drilling. Until I convince myself that I know WHY, I have not attempted this again (Much to Eagle's discontent).

So, I can tell you from experience, MAKING this into a pen is an accomplishment!!!

For those who have posted how impossible acrylester is, multiply that by about 5 and this is the result!

So, there won't be a LOT of these pens floating around, but this one is certainly a SPECIAL gift.

(Looks good on the statesman too!)

Good work Mike!
Originally posted by ed4copies

Congratulations Mike and Linda!!!

So, there won't be a LOT of these pens floating around, but this one is certainly a SPECIAL gift.

Truly something to be treasured and what a great collaboration!!

Yes, a very special gift indeed, from very special people......(Hey all you guys KNOW that I meant that in a good way, right??!)
Great job Eagle!!

Oh, Mrs. - You and Mike have now earned a new "Smilie Badge of Honor".....drum roll, please.....[^]


"In CA we trust"
I have been asked to clarify: The blank I blew up in the drilling process was NOT this pattern. "The flying one" says he will happily drill the blank for anyone who wants to attempt something like this.

I'm sure turning was pretty easy. Just need sharp tools and a continuous supply of CA, on a kind of "life-line drip system". OR, maybe Linda kept the thin CA flowing while Mike was turning. NO SWEAT - 4 hands will do it every time!!!

Mike & Linda HAVE PROVEN it can be done. So, if you want to try - e-mail me (or them) to get in touch with Eagle. (Hopefully, he will be a HAPPY bird, now!!):D:D:D:D:D
Originally posted by ed4copies

I'm sure turning was pretty easy.

You really think so Ed? I suppose you would think that spending 30 days in a 6' x 8' cell with your Ex would be easy too![}:)]

Maybe you should aquire one of these easy turning blanks and pop one out this weekend! Then maybe you would have something in the same class as Dawn's pieces at your next show![:0]

We gave our daughter her pen tonight after she arrived home from a weekend out of town. She LOVED it. She is, understandably, refusing to take it out of the house ;) and has asked for a special stand or box to have it on her desk here at home - which she will be provided! Thanks for all of your compliments and comments, this has been a great project for us working with Eagle and getting all the nice feedback is fantastic for us when we still feel much like "newbies" so often.

[:X] Mrs.
Originally posted by Mather323

Great looking pen, I like your idea.

Thank you for the compliment, however we only paid homage to another's creativity. Eagle created the blank and gets all the credit for the idea.

Mike & Linda
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