It's finished

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Dec 31, 2012
This is both halves finished. Nothing spectacular and as was stated by an individual here, I won't have to pick you up off of the floor.
There are some things I would have done differently, after seeing it finished.


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I can relate to being your own worst critic, but the pen looks sharp. I particularly like the (is it aluminum) ring with the tiny indentation in the center toward the bottom of the pen body.

In the cap, is that a solid band of aluminum with little divots drilled into it?

Even if you're not pleased with the final result, it looks like you're definitely on to something very cool.
Nothing spectacular? I don't know who said that, but they must think my pens are downright junk. For someone who hasn't done many pens, you are making some fantastic ones!
It came out well. I do no't know if you will have to pick anyone up off the floor. Who knows someone may trip and fall.:)

The blank's colors are very vibrant and the design lends itself to alot of possibilities. For example the divots could be drilled all the way through and filled with resin or even say brass to offset the color. You could put swarovski crystals in them. Many possibilities open up when you come up with a design. We always look back and think I should have or could have done this or that. But there is always that next pen. But what happens is the mind just starts racing and the ideas just start pouring in which makes it fun. Then next thing you know it you are ordering more kits. Then by the time you realize it you have a ton of pens with no homes and then you start thinking I can sell them so I can buy some more things.. Then you say well I can start a web site and sell more. And so the addiction begins. :biggrin: Is there a cure??? Not sure I am still looking.:biggrin:

The pen came out well. Look forward to what you come up with next.
I forgot...
It's a Jr. Gent 1 with acrylic and aluminum.
I made two modifications to the kit.
1. I made a new piece for the centerband.
2. I like the finial on the Majestic and Victor pens so, I made a piece to make it look similar and added the colored button in that.
Bottom picture.

I considered drilling the divots through and adding acrylic in them but, I have seen a lot of that design. I don't like the look of the crystals all the way around, it looks too novelty, like the Diva.
Kelly; This is a fantastic pen !!! Original design, great fit and form, and excellent photos. If you find that you have to many pens, I will gladly take them off your hands and add them to my collection. Jim S
Beautiful pen, excellent workmanship. Can't wat to see what pen # 4 looks like since 1,2, & 3 are aesthetic and engineering wowsers (that's a technical term :biggrin:).
Kelly, that pen looks great. You are light years beyond me and I have been making pens a while. I am more of a pen turner while you are pushing the line or a full blown pen maker/craftsman. I can see you exceeding the limits of kits quickly and moving into the world of kitless soon.
Kelly that is a beautiful pen. Your eye for the aluminum parts is spot on. You have taken a beautiful acrylic pen and made it a total piece of art! Now if there are some things you would have done different like you said I cannot wait to see that pen also. I just love that finial it really sets this pen apart from a jr gent 1 kit. Very nice can't wait to see the next one.

Come on John T. that was unnecessary.
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Thank you for all of the positive comments. It means a lot and makes it worth the time.
I still haven't found many people that are really interested. The people that do show interest, ask the price and when I tell them $25, they cringe.

I don't think the kitless thing is for me. I wouldn't know where to start and all of the tools I would need exceeds the hobby spending cap.

Sorry, it isn't a rhodium kit. Hoping to make more pens for the cost and aquire some experience, I purchased the chrome kits. Is chrome not very durable?
Thank you for all of the positive comments. It means a lot and makes it worth the time.
I still haven't found many people that are really interested. The people that do show interest, ask the price and when I tell them $25, they cringe.

I don't think the kitless thing is for me. I wouldn't know where to start and all of the tools I would need exceeds the hobby spending cap.

Sorry, it isn't a rhodium kit. Hoping to make more pens for the cost and aquire some experience, I purchased the chrome kits. Is chrome not very durable?

Hahahaha $25 how about $125 or $150 you need to look into putting your pens up online. Your pens are way beyond $25. Do you have a paypal account or even if you don't Etsy would be a great venue for your pens to get started. That is where I sell mine. You could push people from your website to Etsy. Convo me and I will help you get started if you want. Sorry convo is an etsy term you can PM me and I will help you if you would like.
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Thank you for all of the positive comments. It means a lot and makes it worth the time.
I still haven't found many people that are really interested. The people that do show interest, ask the price and when I tell them $25, they cringe.

I don't think the kitless thing is for me. I wouldn't know where to start and all of the tools I would need exceeds the hobby spending cap.

Sorry, it isn't a rhodium kit. Hoping to make more pens for the cost and aquire some experience, I purchased the chrome kits. Is chrome not very durable?

I use a lot of chrome Atrax pens. Check out the price of them on Exotic Blanks. This size pen is available in exactly the same size tubes for Jr. Gent 2, Jr. Statesman and Venus. This will allow you to take a truly excellent blank and upgrade the hardware to a better kit and so you can take advantage of your art in the market. You can check out the Jr. Gents and Statesman kits on Exotic or I use both suppliers. This is a very versatile size. If you blow out a lower blank you may be able to use a Triton kit too. If is simply the most versatile size out there.
...I do no't know if you will have to pick anyone up off the floor. Who knows someone may trip and fall.:)

Really? Adding a smiley at the end of a rude comment does not make it cute or funny.

Kelly that is a beautiful pen. Your eye for the aluminum parts is spot on. You have taken a beautiful acrylic pen and made it a total piece of art! Now if there are some things you would have done different like you said I cannot wait to see that pen also. I just love that finial it really sets this pen apart from a jr gent 1 kit. Very nice can't wait to see the next one.

Come on John T. that was unnecessary.

Chris and Mike let me give you 2 a heads up. The comment she put in there was a shot at me for another thread so do not tell me what or what not to write. I was just commenting back to her for her shot. She could have left those comments back in the other thread. I did not tell her to write that.

Is the pen nice yes and I said so.
Mike, I will look at those kits and suppliers, thanks.
Let me think about etsy.

John T., I wasn't taking a shot at you or anyone else (at least I didn't mean to). I was just quoting what I was told and I didn't even remember who stated it. You seem a little high strung. You have made it clear on my first pen that you don't like my style.
I apologize for an unintended shot.
some people like my pens, some people dont. Ask me if i really care! Thanks for sharing your pictures of your work! I think you have an interesting style. Run with it Girl! And most all, have fun with it!
Mike, I will look at those kits and suppliers, thanks.
Let me think about etsy.

John T., I wasn't taking a shot at you or anyone else (at least I didn't mean to). I was just quoting what I was told and I didn't even remember who stated it. You seem a little high strung. You have made it clear on my first pen that you don't like my style.
I apologize for an unintended shot.

Wow, I am high strung??? You are the one who started the thread. How quickly we forget.

As far as your style and pens. What is not to like??? I love segmenting work of any kind. If that is not evident to you then you have not been reading the segmenting forum. I have no further comments. Good luck in your segmenting work.
First with my moderator hat on:

Everyone needs to chill a bit. It can be very easy to misread things that are written, especially if you don't know the people well. A joke (inside or otherwise) is easily misread.

Now hat off:

Kelly - Thats an EXCELLENT pen! The adaptations you have made are good for anyone, but for someone as "young" as you in this hobby - there is HUGE potential there. I know it can be hard to find a market, but $25 is a good price if it was a simple pen.. with your mods its worth way more. As for the chrome - chrome is an excellent material as it has great wear for the price. I think what was implied by the rhodium comment was that your pen is very "high class", so it would go better with Rhodium from a sales perspective (if you could find the clients). Keep learning and searching for customers, you'll find them yet!!
First with my moderator hat on:

Everyone needs to chill a bit. It can be very easy to misread things that are written, especially if you don't know the people well. A joke (inside or otherwise) is easily misread.

Now hat off:

Kelly - Thats an EXCELLENT pen! The adaptations you have made are good for anyone, but for someone as "young" as you in this hobby - there is HUGE potential there. I know it can be hard to find a market, but $25 is a good price if it was a simple pen.. with your mods its worth way more. As for the chrome - chrome is an excellent material as it has great wear for the price. I think what was implied by the rhodium comment was that your pen is very "high class", so it would go better with Rhodium from a sales perspective (if you could find the clients). Keep learning and searching for customers, you'll find them yet!!
Kelly and Dean, I apologize for the Rhodium comment - It is a Jr Gent 1 kit and I don't know of anyone besides myself who sells them in Rhodium so it was my way of saying I wish that was one of my kits.......
I have a thought that may be totally wrong...

When you create a pen like this, it is like a piece of art. That means some people will fall in love with it and be willing to pay. Others won't care for it. That's okay. The more unique an item, the more divided the opinion.

$25 is not the price for an artistic piece. If it was just the straight blank it would probably sell easily for $25. Because of what it is, I'd price it substantially higher. Someone buying it for what it is, will gladly pay a good deal more money.

Creating things we love and creating things sell to the mass market aren't always the same thing.
I use a lot of chrome Atrax pens. Check out the price of them on Exotic Blanks. This size pen is available in exactly the same size tubes for Jr. Gent 2, Jr. Statesman and Venus. This will allow you to take a truly excellent blank and upgrade the hardware to a better kit and so you can take advantage of your art in the market. You can check out the Jr. Gents and Statesman kits on Exotic or I use both suppliers. This is a very versatile size. If you blow out a lower blank you may be able to use a Triton kit too. If is simply the most versatile size out there.

Mike - the tubes and bushings are both the same for jr gent 2 and atrax? That would be fantastic. I'd appreciate if you could confirm that - either here or in a message if more appropriate.

This is really helpful. .
Kelly, please do not underestimate your work. That is one beautiful pen and worth 4-5 times that at least. I sold slims for that price just plain jane. To many turners devalue their work. Keep it up.
I use a lot of chrome Atrax pens. Check out the price of them on Exotic Blanks. This size pen is available in exactly the same size tubes for Jr. Gent 2, Jr. Statesman and Venus. This will allow you to take a truly excellent blank and upgrade the hardware to a better kit and so you can take advantage of your art in the market. You can check out the Jr. Gents and Statesman kits on Exotic or I use both suppliers. This is a very versatile size. If you blow out a lower blank you may be able to use a Triton kit too. If is simply the most versatile size out there.

Mike - the tubes and bushings are both the same for jr gent 2 and atrax? That would be fantastic. I'd appreciate if you could confirm that - either here or in a message if more appropriate.

This is really helpful. .

Yes the tubes are exactly the same tubes. Jr. Gent 2, Atrax, Jr. Statesman, Venus and the Triton but the lower tube is shorter than the others. This can be good if you have a blank that is just a bit too short or if you accidentally cut the blank for 2 top tubes DAMHIKT.

Hey Kelly..I've been making pens for 2 and 1/2 years...probably in the range of 450-500 in all..haven't done a modified yet and have sold approx. 350 of them for anywhere fron 15-100 bucks. My $100 pen didn't look near as nice as your pen does! Beatiful pen and keep posting?:cool:
Hey Kelly..I've been making pens for 2 and 1/2 years...probably in the range of 450-500 in all..haven't done a modified yet and have sold approx. 350 of them for anywhere fron 15-100 bucks. My $100 pen didn't look near as nice as your pen does! Beatiful pen and keep posting?:cool:

Please do. Great pen! Will definitely watch for your future postings. Thank you. Though needless, quote is intended to Say a lot of others like it too.
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