It's been a while. 4 new pens today

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Aug 22, 2004
Edmonds, WA, USA.
Work has been very busy lately so my wife told me to forget doing anything around the house and get out in the shop. [:p]


Blue Acrylic European


Tigerwood Ebony Streamline


Tigerwood Ebony Burl Barleytwist Streamline


Tigerwood Ebony Burl Streamline
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Originally posted by woodscavenger
<br />How did you do the twist?

I get to cheat on the twist part by using my Legacy 200 Mill. I cut the twist profile and then do the turning down to size on my my Jet mini. After doing a couple of them I realize I need to get a flap sander to sand the cracks. Still fun. It really sets figured wood off. My wife thought it was strange? My other WW buddies like 'em!
If this is what time off does for you then I think I need some time off. [:D]

Your pens look great, very nice work!
Great work, Scott. I'm partial to the tigerwood ebony burl (straight) streamline, but more than a little curious about the barley twist. How do you like the Legacy 200? Do you find that it increases or decreases your turning time? How do you turn the pen down to size on the lathe and still keep the full-roundness of each separate "strand" (for lack of a better word)?
Originally posted by DCBluesman
<br />Great work, Scott. I'm partial to the tigerwood ebony burl (straight) streamline, but more than a little curious about the barley twist. How do you like the Legacy 200? Do you find that it increases or decreases your turning time? How do you turn the pen down to size on the lathe and still keep the full-roundness of each separate "strand" (for lack of a better word)?

I have not used the Legacy very much yet. I do like it though. Because I am new at it I can't judge if it's faster or not. My gut feeling is no. I like to turn pens that are end grain exposed on the body of the pen. It is hard to do on a regular lathe but I like doing the profile on the Legacy because no blowouts! I finish them up on the regular lathe. Of course I could not do a handmade twist like Tom does! They are kind of fun to do and add some variety to pen displays.

The downside to the Legacy is that it is limited on the indexing (or ratio) of the gears and only does the twist at one angle/direction not both.

I wanted to be able to do pens and twist elements to other projects. If you wanting flexibility the Legacy 200's bigger brothers do a better job of that.

I will be seeing Terry the owner of Legacy at the Seattle WW Show in 2 weeks and I have a lot of questions.

Thanks for the comments!
Great pens, I especially like the twist. The looks are a great eye catcher but how does it feel in your hand. If you would like to send me a sample I would be glad to send you my adx. LOL
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