Its around the Corner

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Feb 22, 2005
Don't look now but in a few days the biggest event of the year will be upon us. :biggrin::biggrin: It is bigger than Trumps wall.:):) Its bigger than the Super Bowl and in fact it is the Super Bowl. The event that everyone looks forward to every year. Yes that's right the 15th Anniversary of this great site and the BASH party!!!! :biggrin::biggrin:

This event takes place every year around this time and has taken on an audience of millions:rolleyes: so I hope you are all busy in the shops prepping those special pens and projects and getting ready to set this site on fire and make it the biggest and best ever. We have taken on many new members this past year and I hope they all join in the fun and compete in the various contests that will be run by some of the hard working members here who sacrificed much to bring you some fun and games. This Bash is not all about fundraising for the support of this site (it does help though so do support) but it is about a way of rewarding all members for their patronage for this site and to give each and everyone a chance to compete against our peers in a contest of your choosing. To see how you stack up to the best. To step up your game and think outside the box. To show the world your talents and making them wishing for more. People from all over the world will be here. There is no pressure so relax and have some fun.

In just a few days the doors will be opened for all to enter and our Leader Jeff will be cutting the ribbon on another exciting event. Hope to see you all there.

OK that was my pitch. Hope people step up to the plate and take a swing.:biggrin::biggrin::biggrin:
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Signed-In Members Don't See This Ad
Well It has arrived finally and in the next couple days many changes will be taking place on the site as we start the festivities for our annual party. Hope everyone has a good time and in the spirit of the events show good sportsmanship and support toward the people entering the contests and also the ones running them. Hope to see so many new members joining in and also get to see some new and exciting projects. Good luck to all and Happy Bash day.:biggrin::biggrin:

Also forgot to mention, be sure to take advantage to all the vendors sales that they are offering during this great event. Can save some serious$$$$. We have the best vendors that always step up this time of the year.
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Hey JT.... are you ok? I'm worried about you...:eek:

It's just that you seem to be doing things in reverse..... :confused:

Normal practice dictates is that we become miserable old gits as we age.....

........but ( and I really hate to say this :wink: ) you are actually becoming :eek::tongue:
Hey JT.... are you ok? I'm worried about you...:eek:

It's just that you seem to be doing things in reverse..... :confused:

Normal practice dictates is that we become miserable old gits as we age.....

........but ( and I really hate to say this :wink: ) you are actually becoming :eek::tongue:

No what you drinking over there:biggrin::biggrin::biggrin: Just trying to drum up business because if things continue to decline here this may all go away. You see how many contests are being eliminated or now combined. Nothing like the old days my friend. :biggrin::biggrin:

Besides the world loves me. Just ask the audience here:cat::cat::cat:

You did notice I was the only one who replied to my own post.:biggrin::biggrin::biggrin:
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Hey JT.... are you ok? I'm worried about you...:eek:

It's just that you seem to be doing things in reverse..... :confused:

Normal practice dictates is that we become miserable old gits as we age.....

........but ( and I really hate to say this :wink: ) you are actually becoming :eek::tongue:

Hey Skip don't look now but you have another shot at that Drill DR. What is this #15:rotfl::rotfl::rotfl::rotfl:
Yep....I coulda bought 10 of them by now with the dosh I've spent on mugs....:rolleyes: Lucky, I probably wouldn't use one if I had one.:biggrin:
Personally, I reckon old Jeff is reverse psychologising us with his 'last mug' threats....:wink:
It's the same 150 members that buy them every year, why would you kill the golden goose? :cool:

I can't promise to partake in the contests as I have work coming out of my ears recently. 20 nights a month away in hotels, doesn't leave a lot of time to play once the homework is done. But I'll try.:wink:
We are in the process of moving the rules into the threads. YOu may be able to see the contests under the forum tab. Jeff should be making a front page link shortly.
So I guess I didn't see this or overlooked maybe, but do you have to enter a different pen for each contest or if a pen qualifies for more than one contest, can you submit the same pen?
So I guess I didn't see this or overlooked maybe, but do you have to enter a different pen for each contest or if a pen qualifies for more than one contest, can you submit the same pen?

One pen can not possible be eligible for multiple contests unless it is a slimline maybe.:)
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