Italian Resin Baron

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Sep 8, 2006
Kennesaw, GA, USA.
Here is another one of Scotts blanks. If I remember it is called Fall Festival. I tried a new shape than my typical baron pens.

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Nice blank. I would have shaved more off the ends of the blanks. You may have been going for what you got, but I feel the custom shape would be more pronounced if you had taken it further into the blank.
Tom- they turn pretty well, just don't push too hard or you might take too much off! It felt weird, like you had to force the cut, but when you push a little a lot comes off.
Skye- I was afraid to make a pronounced form like my other pens, but it might have worked.
This is only my second italian blank, but they polish really well. The have a glass like feel when mm'ed to 12000 with a little polish.
Yup, that is Fall Festival.

I still have all the colors available. Still working on the website to make things easier.

Until I get the web site ready, you can see them:

Hey John-I did paint the tubes, but the did not need it. I thought it would have been more transparent, but you can't even begin to see the tubes.
Scott-Are you going to offer more colors in the future?
I will offer more colors as I find them. Hard to say what I will find and when though.
okay, what are Italian blanks.. haven't seen or heard of them before... nice looking stuff. Are they soft to turn or more brittle like the acryllics... I usually get about a 40% loss ratio when I do acryllics... toooo agressive I guess. Definitely keep the tools as sharp as possible and have played up and down on the speed.. still wind up blowing nearly half.
Italian acrylics/resins are materials made in Italy. I know it's shocking... :)

They do cut a little different than the acrylics available from Berea/CSUSA, although how it is different seems to vary from person to person. I think they cut like butter, but not everyone has the same perception.

It is considerably more expensive than other acrylics (about 3x the cost).

I would like to hear others perceptions about the Italian stuff, both pro and con. I have a bunch of different Italian acrylics that I sell. Had a big rush of orders when I introduced them, but now it's down to a trickle. (not unexpectedly a big decrease). Before I make an investment to offer other colors, I just want to see if people are interested in them enough to make it worthwhile.
Hey Scott,
I would be interested in other colors as well. I am already going to be buying some more of the colors you already have. They turn a little different than other acrylics, but they take a shine like nothing else I have used. Just use caution when you first start turning the blank to get a feel for the material, because of the three I have turned so far they have all been different.
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