It will be BOCK

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May 17, 2006
Costa Rica
:biggrin:I am happy to announce that it looks 99% certain that I will be a dealer for Bock Nips that will fit most if not all our component sets.
I will be placing my initial order tomorrow if all goes right. I will be ordering at first just the 5MM nibs, these are the nibs that will fit our small component sets, like the CSUSA Jr. series in both fine and medium.
I will add some photos in a while along with explanations...
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Mike to answer your question, yes and no. The first order will be for nibs only as many of us have bought the taps and dies for Lou's feeds and the bock nibs will fit on his feeds, I feel we need to exhaust his feed assemblies first.Also gives me a chance to get over the investment :wink: in nibs.
Feeds assemblies as well or just the nibs? Congratulations.
OK as promised here are some photo's
This is the gilded 5 MM that I've been using the last week, I've also used the 6MM as well as one other person who has tested these for fit and write ability. I've decided for now to go with the simple BOCK logo on the polished nib that has the writing sideways but will be in the gilded finish (Gold tone). As to pricing until I have the total with exchange rate,duties and shipping I think around $7-$7.50 per nib.,you should have no problem getting $30-$40 more for your fountain pen with these on them because a far as I know this will be the first time we have offered a component pen with a BOCK nib. The minimum order that I have to place will keep me in stock for a while, I hope I'm wrong, but I had to sell my first grandchild. I anticipate being able to have them in stock by mid August so I can only hold off ordering for a day or two if anyone has something to say, so please all leave me some feedback. I will have a page on my site for ordering that will need a code word to get into until I get a site just for these and possibly some other surprises I'm working on.


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I'd be interest in ordering as soon as you have them ready. My mom is also in the process of buying a house in Tishamingo which I don't think would be too far from you. She's planing on moving from Virginia to Oklahoma mid august. Maybe we could meet for a cup of coffee and I can pick them up. I wouldn't mind coming to your shop for some pointers or just a little drooling.
Roy, it is great that you are stepping up and giving us some additional options to sell fountain pen. Right now I am selling fountain pens but not putting an emphasis on the nib. I feel and other probably do also that we need some education in how to sell the nib. Perhaps over the next few months you could give us some product knowledge and sales strategy. Thanks. Darrell Eisner
I had some email wanting clarification on the nib logo and color here is a photo of the logo the color will be two-tone Gold with polished steel ends.

Just a quick update, Bock wanted me to order another 500 Euros so I'm adding XF to the order, this is the third time the Minimum dollar amount has changed. They would have shipped my order as placed but would have charged a 150 euro upcharge making each nib about $.15 more to me and adding some more cost only meand more end cost to the consumer so I decided that instead of upping the order on F and M just order 1,000 XF....Damn now I have to sell my next youngest grand child and she was my favorite.
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Just a quick update, Bock wanted me to order another 500 Euros so I'm adding XF to the order, this is the third time the Minimum dollar amount has changed. They would have shipped my order as placed but would have charged a 150 euro upcharge making each nib about $15 more to me and adding some more cost only meand more end cost to the consumer so I decided that instead of upping the order on F and M just order 1,000 XF....Damn now I have to sell my next youngest grand child and she was my favorite.

I think the extra fine was a good call. Sorry for the extra burden though, but I don't think we'll have a problem unloading those nibs off of you!
Dang...just started making pens again after not making any for a year or I have a new tap/die...and now Bock all I need is some education and how to put it all together on fountain pens.

Starting to get on the good side of excited about it all :)

Thanks to Roy....and all who supply fountain pen parts..!
As soon as I get conformation and a shipping I will list on my web site. The pass word will be BOCK in capitals and will be at the bottom of my navagation list. If a few of you will be so kind as to go to my web-site and test if it is indeed working (Use the passwork BOCK) and LMK I would appriciate it very much. When the page opens it should have a photo of a Bock nib.
Don we have to give Mike a little leeway after all he's officially part of the senior citizens as of today.
Alan great question and first let me welcome you to the forum.
The nibs supplied with our components to put it nice are substandard at best. They are made in China for the DIY market not for fountain pen users. Will they write, yes, but do they create a writing experience? No, unless you like scratchy and skipping writing. I have had a few that wrote well but only a handful out of hundreds if not a couple of thousand. I have also been able to tune a few to write extremely well, and a number that I've tried tuning for hours and still ended up with a #2 pencil with a broken tip.
There are two manufactures in Germany that make 85% of the nibs for your higher end pen manufactures Bock and JoWo. Of the two Bock is the most recognized brand by most pen people. Both these companies have been around for years and specialize in nibs. When showing your custom made fountain pen to a fountain pen user the first thing they look at is the nib and when they see the component nib they hand it right back and move on. Up until a while ago we were able to get nibs from My friend Lou Metcalf of Heritage Nibs, that was a big upgrade from the Chinese nibs but they are no longer available so the search for a better nib started. I really did not think I would be able to convince Bock to sell and make nibs to fit our feeds but I got lucky (I worn them down). With a Bock nib on our pens we now are able to show the pen person we are on a par with the big boys.
Hope this answered your question, if you have any other questions do not hesitate to ask.

Newbie here... What makes the Bock more desirably than some other nibs we use?
I got on your site! Will be watching closely, as I fancy an upgrade for the jr. Series and Lous's nibs always went well! Hope they dont take too long to ship!
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Thanks Roy, the information does help some on the history.

I have some Heritage nibs I got from Exotic blanks and have some trouble with one or two of them, so I'm still trying to figure out why one upgrade nib works better than another.
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