Is there or was there??

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Feb 22, 2005
Is there or was there at one time a pool cue pen kit??? Not talking about making blanks. My memory may be off here but I thought at one time there was a themed pen kit for pool cues. Anybody have one to sell or if they exist where can they be found. Thanks.
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John, I cannot remember such a critter. There were several made off kits to look like cues, usually using a slim kit.

I know about using kits and designing to look like a cue but i thought maybe PSI who is good for theme pen kits had one or woodcraft at one time. I did not want to add a $500 pen to my clock kits. Just wanted a quick kit.
John, this isn't a $500.00 kit. Just a little bit of time segmenting and you should be able to do this.


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Ernie, I think that may be a bit advanced for old JT.....:rolleyes:

I his own admission in a recent thread, he said he can't even make a couple of boxes....:eek:

Personally, I think he's losing it.......

Ernie, I think that may be a bit advanced for old JT.....:rolleyes:

I his own admission in a recent thread, he said he can't even make a couple of boxes....:eek:

Personally, I think he's losing it.......

Sometimes you just have to get in the shop and make a pen!!
Kenneth Wines makes and sells them. If you cannot find him here, search Facebook. Also check with The Classic Nib or Signature Pen Supply. If you still cannot find one, send me message and I will try to get you in touch with Kenneth.
Skip, getting older by the minute. Again I am not looking for a pool cue themed blank. I am not looking to take a kit and make into a pool cue. I am looking for a pool cue kit. Maybe the clip has a cue and the centerband has the billiard balls or something like that I maybe losing it but boy I thought I remember seeing something with this theme. I wanted to include a pen with my billiard ball clock designs. Will be doing this with my poker clock designs but I have that kit already. Not going to be making 50 pens. Time better spent elsewhere.

Ernie when I get done making a segmented pen it is at least $200 without breaking a sweat. I will be making some $1000+ pens sometime this year.
Thanks Pete and everyone. It maybe I might have to make something modified. If I find a kit I will be sure to post a link. Always looking. Maybe PSI spies read this and start making one. They are here all the time.
Sorry I couldn't help John. I knew what you were after but as I couldn't help, I figured I'd just rattle your cage a bit instead. :biggrin:
Sorry I couldn't help John. I knew what you were after but as I couldn't help, I figured I'd just rattle your cage a bit instead. :biggrin:

Skip, You know me I do not mind. Just like old times. Missed you too. I wish more of the old guard was still here. Will be quite busy this year. Changing many things in my line of sales to shake things up. Will be making some pens too. Nothing like what you do because I use kits only but will be one of a kinds. Will see how it goes. Later.
If I was in tinkering mood.... The butt only...I'd make a merry widow cue like pen. Solid wood...maybe cocobolo or rosewood or bacote. The cap (tip cover) would be designed like a joint protector. A iPad stylus on the opposite end to represent the bumper....and of course a wrap... fishing line or irish linen.

Or a tapered blank with a collar of metal or acrylic in the center to represent the joint (2 piece cue).... iPad stylus for the bumper...and a wrap.
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