Is it Friday yet

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Jun 1, 2010
Ok Friday is not getting here fast enough, lol,, as soon as the little women gets off work its Grizzly bound we go, I am picking up my new toy "lathe" and I can't wait, I know its only 2 days but seems like forever away,, I am getting model # G0657 10" x 16" and after working on this Shop Smith for so long this will be like a breath of fresh air to turn on this,, I even have a spot picked out for it, just have to run the hose from the Vac up for it,

thanks for listening ....


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Nope, not allowed. The area is too clean for a lathe. You must add dust and wood chips to ward off the bad turning demons. :devil:
Good for you...the anticpation for a new tool is hard to fight...I know how it is for me...crazy...I just think about going to my wood stores and I get giddy with excitement.

Enjoy he new lathe,

I know just how you feel, except I have a little longer to wait to get my new lathe. All I have turned on is an old used ryobi that doesn't quite run true. But i'm saving my pennies, and can't wait to flip on my brand new lathe. It will be just as you said - "a breath of fresh air".
Hopefully your pennies add up quick and you won't have to wait to long,
as for me all I can say is the little women must really love me with money being tight right now, but I was told, this is Christmas, Thanksgiving, New Years, Birthday, 4th July, and any other Holidays you could think of for the next couple yrs,, lol,, I'm sure there will still be something under the tree,,
I wish you the best of luck and hope you won't have to wait to much longer....
I really hope it works out and you can get your new toy by Thanksgining, its so nice know a new toy will be in your hands to play with, I wish you the best of luck & happy turning....
OK I deffenitly like the GOOD NEWS better then the Bad News, lol,,, I will post some pics of my toy as soon as I can, I CAN'T wait,
May both of your lathes find a happy and productive home. congratulations to both of you and may you have many happy turnings to come.
Thats great news, I hope you will be just as happy with your new toy as I will be with mine, I'm sure you will be,
Happy Turning to All....
Woo-Hoo its Friday,
After a Very Long day the little women gave me a call around 3:00 and said she was on her way home, we went to Grizzly and picked up my new toy I had to have looked funny I was grinning from ear to ear and prancing around just hopeing the lady behind the counter would type a little faster so I could get it loaded up, I just wish I would have thought about getting some pics from inside the store for those who have never been in a Grizzly, that place is really nice, as soon as ya walk in a 10'-12' Tan Grizzly is standing there, they have a really big Pond with water fall and Big Koey (sorry spelled wrong) but you know what I meen,, lol, even a work shop/deminstration area, lounge & food cort,,

Ok enough said, here is a coupl pics, sorry my phone don't take better pictures..

Thanks for looking....


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Woo-Hoo its Friday,
After a Very Long day the little women gave me a call around 3:00 and said she was on her way home, we went to Grizzly and picked up my new toy I had to have looked funny I was grinning from ear to ear and prancing around just hopeing the lady behind the counter would type a little faster so I could get it loaded up, I just wish I would have thought about getting some pics from inside the store for those who have never been in a Grizzly, that place is really nice, as soon as ya walk in a 10'-12' Tan Grizzly is standing there, they have a really big Pond with water fall and Big Koey (sorry spelled wrong) but you know what I meen,, lol, even a work shop/deminstration area, lounge & food cort,,

Ok enough said, here is a coupl pics, sorry my phone don't take better pictures..

Thanks for looking....

Personally, I try to refrain from prancing at the register. I won't say what happens just before I raise the shop door tho.
Prancing at the register? My son would do that sometimes when he was about three. I hope yours was not the similar problem!:redface::wink::biggrin:

Nice looking lathe. Put it to good use and send pictures. From another thread, please do be careful and not make any of our mistakes.:eek:
I'm sure the bear was alive at one time, but no just a full mount standing there,,

Boo-Boo's,, well,, diden't take me long to realize just how sharp the point was on the live center, yup, right to the back of my hand, so use to the Shop smith being bigger now gonna have to remember everything is closer on this one, I will no dought do it a couple more times till it sinks in, lol,,

now I just have to get some projects done and get some pis up,,
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