Irish Bog Oak

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Passed Away Mar 3, 2016
In Memoriam
Aug 22, 2004
Gift for a friend's daughter. Simple wood, kit and design. Comments are welcome and Thank You for looking.

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Very nice Olympia, Lou![^] Finally an Irish Bog I can see the grain on. I really like it, but I don't think I'm going to lay out that kind of $$ for it. BTW, I just noticed the larger lower barrel and turned tenon. I think that turned out well![;)]
Very beautiful pen, Lou! I have the hardest time getting the beauty of the wood to show, or matching the kit with the wood. Some of you do it naturally and this one shows all of that.
Great looking Olympia. I really like the way the larger lower barrel looks.
Originally posted by wdcav1952
<br />Truly awesome pen Lou! I'll comment more later.

So what do you have to think about William.....[:D]

Nice adaptation to the Oly kit Lou, I like it, now had it been Italian Wine Oak, I'm sure it would have been pretier. [:p]
Thanks to each of you who have viewed this pen and particularly to those of you who have taken the time to post such kind words. Billy--the grain is difficult to show on this wood. It wants to hide from the camera. It took a lot of work and even more luck to get this picture. Hank--I'd love to take credit for the plating selection but the father selected the plating--I just selected the style. Ron--thanks, I like the larger lower barrel as well. It needs something still, but I'll have to keep exploring. Anthony--got wine oak? [:D] We could work a deal! Again, thanks for the encouragement!
I love the lower barrel as well. This picture captures the look of Bog Oak perfectly. It really looks like African Blackwood -- you can still see the grain as opposed to ebony. Find the person that is interested in "the story" and it is well worth the money.

Your pen is gorgeous, as I would expect from you.

Can you tell me if that pen is lighter and "skinnier" than the Cigar-it looks like it is and I am looking for a kit between the comfort and the cigar-Is this it??? Thank you
Lou, Beautiful pen! I very much like the kit you chose to use for this wood. I know it was expensive but I really love working with it and such history! It makes a very special gift!
Thanks for the supportive words, Chris, Ed and Alice. Ed--the Olympia, when cut full-figure like this, is still noticeably smaller than a cigar as well as lighter. If you shape it according to the instructions, the lower barrel is about the size of a slimline, though.
Originally posted by DCBluesman
<br />Gift for a friend's daughter. Simple wood, kit and design. Comments are welcome and <b>Thank You</b> for looking.

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I said that I would comment on this pen more at a later date. Well, it is time to comment. In this case, I feel that I am the most qualified member of the forum to comment. The reason for this feeling is simple. The pen is sitting on my desk. Obviously I am not speechless, but I should be. I am humbled, though. To know that someone like Lou cared enough about my heritage and my daughter to make such an awesome pen is an experience that defies description.

So, rather than attempt to describe my awe, pride, and thankfulness for both the pen, and for the friendship with which it is imbued, I will simply say Thank you My Friend.
This is a very nice pen. I have two skinny blanks of it (Bog Oak), without any noticeable rays. I am just holding onto them for the future, when I do slimlines.
When I need inspiration to improve my finishes, I just look to one of Lou's pens or Grizz'es. There are others here that do oustanding finishes, but on the WOW! scale these two never fail to produce eye-poppers.
William--You, more than most, know how much pleasure it gave me to make this keepsake for J. (name withheld) Rob--this blank was a strange one...almost diamond shaped and no more than 1/2" on any side. I held my breath while drilling and (thanks to Paul Huffman's Side-vise) got lucky. Frank--this blank really challenged me. At several points I considered just falling back to CA or using a poly coating like Enduro. In the final analysis, I think my lacquer and TSW process came through like a champ. The added benefit was being able to keep the appearance and much of the feel of the grain along with the multi-colored mineral deposits.
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