Introducing the cigarillo

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Jan 16, 2005
Boise, ID, USA.
I have had a lot of people comment on the slightly too large size of the cigar kits. I had some parts laying around (see my "segmented pen" post) so I decided to see if I could shorten/lighten the pen. I managed a mild modification. It is a tough kit to modify much further. I was hoping to shorten the entire top tube my skills/tools will probably not get the job done. This is what I did. Overall I like the looks of the thing. Tell me what you think.

Sorry I didn't think to take pictures or measurements. This was a redneck on the fly modification.

1. Turn the lower barrel normally.
2. Turn the center bushing around to turn the top barrel so you have two smaller diameter ends.
3. Take the black trim ring section and cut off the large flange ring section leaving you with a ~5/16" tall ring to press into the lower part of the top tube.
4. Take the upper tube insert that has the screw cap attachment and cut off about 5/16". If you cut too much it will not capture the transmission.
5. extend the transmission and cut off about 3/16". When retracted the top plastic section with extend above the steel tube.
6. Assemble the rest of the pen

**This could be shortened further with the right tools. The top tube threaded insert has a stepped brass insert that gets in the way of the transmission if it is pushed too far inside. I'd bet one of you machinists could drill out a little of that stepped section to allow shortening of the entire top tube/blank assembly for an even shorter pen.

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Excellent modification!
It's a great looking pen too!
Thniking out side the pen box huh?
I'm woking on a way to hide some of the bottom.
If I could figure out the thread size pitch I think I sould make a different finial.
The whole top would work witha whole for an 8mm tube and you wouldn't need the black guide if you used a shortned 8mm tube in the top.
Also with an 8mm tube in the top you could be a little more creative with beading and such.(more meat on hte tube)
Great pen!
Very fine job Shane, I was never a big fan of the black plastic center band. Came out really nice. Like your wood choices to.

Originally posted by penworks
<br />Very fine job Shane, I was never a big fan of the black plastic center band. Came out really nice. Like your wood choices to.

WHile working on a casing pen I wanted to get rid of the black band also.
rather than cut it I proceded to the belt sander,
The band is powder coated brass,
Sli pit through a screw driver and the same way you would scuff your tubes angle it into the direction of the belt and take off the outer "ring" almost down to the tube leaving a ridge to keep it from seating too deep in the tube.
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