Illusionz pics

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Jun 26, 2007
After several people asking about these blanks, I turned and finished them. Barrels only, no hardware for them. Although they look real grainy (glittery) they aren't like the pics. Much better in person. I was told this is caused by using the macro setting.

The pics are of the same pigment, just different casting methods.

The first pic is the first method...

Not sure I like it.


The next pic is method two and I like it much better. The pic is of the same side, just tipped down a little to show the color change.


The last pic on the right, I tried to catch all the colors in one pic.


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I guess this isn't the place for these. Perhaps if they were in hand or if I could use a camera.
Not that it matters much, this stuff is crazy expensive. I have other colors of this stuff to try out, but I won't bother you guys with them.
My better-half is having a great time with them.:tongue:
Like I mentioned, it looks grainy in the pics, but isn't that bad in person.
I have some finer stuff in other colors that I'm going out to try now.

This stuff looks even better on pendants. The two I made are gone. The ladies love this stuff.:cool:
Popped some more out of the molds an hour and a half ago.

These look MUCH better than the previous ones above.
I can't wait to spin these. I'm going to have to get some hardware for one
of them, maybe a Jr. Gent.
I have to cast some pendant blanks and get them turned... been getting calls.:redface:

You guys don't realize what you're missing.:biggrin:

Maybe I'll post a pic, but don't want to bother anyone.:wink:
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