IAP Privacy Policy

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Staff member
Dec 5, 2003
Westlake, OH, USA.
Penturners.org Privacy Policy

Penturners.org is committed to ensuring that the privacy of its members is respected and protected. This policy statement describes what we do with information you provide, how we collect and use anonymous statistics, and how and why we use cookies.

Anonymous Statistics: Visitors to Penturners.org can access the site and browse it without disclosing any personally identifiable information. To monitor usage and improve the quality of our site, we use server logs and industry-standard site statistics software to count the number of users who visit the site, the number of views of particular pages, and determine user browser types, search terms used to reach the site, and IP addresses. None of this information is associated by us with any particular person -- it is aggregated to help us run the site and monitor performance.

Links to Other Sites: In various places, our site may contain links to other sites. We have no control over the privacy practices of external sites.

Your eMail Address and eMail from Penturners.org: When you register for an account at Penturners.org, you must provide a valid email address. This is to make sure that a real person is signing up, rather than a spambot or other non-human annoyance. Following your registration, an email is sent to you containing a web link which includes a "registration key". To complete your registration and activate your account, you must click on this link, which returns you to the site and submits your registration key to the server.

Although we do keep your email address on file in our database, you will not be inundated with email from us unless you so choose. We never expose your email address "in the clear", and we advise that you never post your email address in a forum message. Other than email from the administrator to advise you of problems with your account or other important issues, you can choose to not receive any email.

There are several other types of email you may receive from penturners.org:
  • From the administrator: From time to time, you may receive an email from the site administrator or a moderator. This could be to discuss a message you've posted in the discussion forum, to resolve a problem with your account, to respond to some inquiry you've made, or to announce an important new site feature.
  • From other members: Our discussion forum enables members to contact each other via email sent through our server. Your email address is not exposed to the sender unless you respond to these emails from your email client. You can turn off receipt of these emails in your member profile. We do not keep records of your communications with other members when you use forum email.
  • Subscriptions: You can "subscribe" to most forums and topics. This feature notifies you by email when a new posting is made in the forum or topic to which you've subscribed. If you don't intentionally subscribe to a forum or topic, you won't receive any subscription emails.
  • Email address changes: If you change your email address in your member profile, you'll receive a confirmation email at the new address.
Member Profile Information: Registration requires only that you select a username and password, but you may optionally enter other information into your user profile such as your real name, location, etc. This information can be viewed only by other registered members -- it is not exposed to spiders, crawlers, or visitors. Enter as much or as little information as you feel comfortable providing.

Real Name Required to Sell: Members using the classifieds forums to sell items must provide their real full name and location (city, state, province, etc., as appropriate for the country of residence) in their member profile. As with other profile information your name can be viewed only by other registered members.

Cookies: Like most other sites on the internet, we use "cookies"; small files stored on your hard drive by your browser. Cookies are intended to help a web site recognize a user's browser as a previous visitor and save and remember certain preferences that may have been set during a previous visit. A cookie cannot retrieve any other data from your hard drive, pass on a computer virus, or capture your email address. In our case, we use cookies to store your encrypted username and password so that you don't have to log on every time you visit, and to remember your active topics time span setting.

Mailing Addresses: We might ask for your postal mailing address so that we can send you a contest prize, a donation premium, or a thank-you gift for writing an article, etc. The address you supply is used only for the purpose of delivering items to you via the US Postal Service.

Third-Party Marketing: Some vendors provide purchase discounts to members of Penturners.org. This sometimes requires that a member "sign up" for the program by providing certain information, such as email address and postal mailing address to us, which we forward to the vendor to confirm your membership. Information you supply for this purpose is sent to vendors, and will generally result in your receiving email and postal mail from the vendors. We require that you submit this information for each vendor offer you wish to receive, and we use the information for no other purpose. We do not control what the vendor does with information you allow us to supply to them, so we encourage you to check a vendor's privacy policy before you submit any information to us for this purpose.

Transactions Between Members: Penturners.org provides a forum for members to buy, sell, and swap items related to penturning. We do not control the information exchanged between members to complete these transactions. We encourage all members to keep information exchanged during such transactions confidential, but we are not able to control the disclosure of such information.

Protect Your Privacy: Don't disclose personally identifiable information (yours or any one else's) in discussion forum posts. Search engines crawl our site and email and postal addresses can be picked up and added to spam databases.
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