I won't be posting

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Passed Away Jul 4, 2008
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Jul 5, 2004
Camden, S.C., USA.
Any more pictures of:
wood pens
I might offend the envoironmentalists( I would have said tree huggers but I KNEW that would offend someone).I suspect those who make acrylic pens feel the same way but little do they know they are using up precious fossil fuels, so they too are suspepct

No more antler pens
I might offend the members of PITA I mean PETA

Of course any pens with a religous theme are out also

No more pens out of paper.
Even though I think I am recycling it the paper will not go to an "official recycling center"thus offending the envoironmetalists again
No more casing pens.
I imagine there are forum members who are in favor of gun control who might be offended at the use of such a material for a pen because I use spent shells and G** only knows what is was fired at

No more birthday wishes or birth congratulations.
I imagine there are some in the forum who support planned parenthood that might be offended and the mere suggestion of the birth of a person either current or someone who has been around for a while causes them severe mental amnguish(Might even be a couple who wish I wasn't born[^]

I will probably come up with reasons for others but suffice to say that the FEW who wrote Jeff about an innocent post made by a new member have finally made me realize (like others) that sometimes it is not that good of an idea to share what gives me passion or something I am proud of.
This is the case whether it is my beliefs OR my works.
Thanks to those who have made my life simpler.
I hope you few get a life.And please no more blow by blow descriptions of religous observances.
If I have an interest in them(I used to but not since yesterday) I can find all the information I want on the net.
(Note I have not mentioned any specific forum members but in reading posts pertaining to Micahs thread and a quote from an e-mail by Jeff
(which by the way is in violation of IAP rules but HE owns the site so HE can do it)I have an inkling as to the identity of one writer.
Prosyltizing is not a word you hear everyday
Final note:
I have never written a letter of complaint about a member or a topic in this forum.( moderator yes)
You see I,believe in a free exchange of ideas.The fact that Micahs post was locked because a few members didn't happen to agree with his passion and Jeff acted on their e-mails is WHY this forum has such a boring quilting bee,P.C. personality.
It has been said "why can't we just get a long?"
Did those who wrote Jeff about Micahs post aske that before they voiced their infantile complaints?
So in closing for those who don't want to be offended, don't think outside the box just seal yourself up in it,then the only thing you can find offensive is yourself, just as I do.
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Jan 27, 2005
Drums, PA, USA.
Sorry to hear you say that eagle

But to be perfectly honest with you, and going along with your idea of free exchange of ideas. . . I feel you will lose more than you will gain.


Passed Away Jul 4, 2008
In Memoriam
Jul 5, 2004
Camden, S.C., USA.
Originally posted by Ron in Drums PA
<br />Sorry to hear you say that eagle

But to be perfectly honest with you, and going along with your idea of free exchange of ideas. . . I feel you will lose more than you will gain.
Maybe maybe not.Time will tell.
Ask smokey Tom about his denim pen,
Ask C.Scott about his casing pens
Ask angboy about her string pen
Didn't you do your celtic Cr*ss pen after I posted Arbez?
Didn't you write a hilf a** explanation on how to do a bentwood lamination?(which has yet to be seen made by you?)
Some write, Some actually do it.I try do it.(some just talk a good or not so good game)
Those are a few who have mentioned things I have made that got them to THINK rather than read mindlessly and wanting someone to hold their hand and show them,
They are the ones that actually learned something,
How to think and experiment


May 17, 2005
chandler, az, USA.
This is all very disturbing. It is getting very sad that we cannot say certain words anymore. (not profanity) What is becoming of this country.

Eagle I am a proud member of PETA. I will continue to support People Eating Tasty Animals until you pry my cold dead fingers from by BBQ.[:p]
Jan 27, 2005
Drums, PA, USA.
The Celtic Pen was an idea I got from Pat from PMG, who in turn got the idea from someone else. It's called sharing.

For years I have made clocks with bent lamination. I'm working on one right now for christmas.

The world didn't begin with you eAgle, you are not that important.


Passed Away Jul 4, 2008
In Memoriam
Jul 5, 2004
Camden, S.C., USA.
Originally posted by Ron in Drums PA
<br />The Celtic Pen was an idea I got from Pat from PMG, who in turn got the idea from someone else. It's called sharing.

For years I have made clocks with bent lamination. I'm working on one right now for christmas.

The world didn't begin with you eAgle, you are not that important.
Never said I was.I never jumped up on a pedistal, and I dare you to show ONE post where I said I was better than anyone else(Smug and self righteous)
evidently the important people are the FEW who get offended and write infantile e-mails.
Lest you think my recent posts are infantile I have enough INTEGRITY to voice my views in public,not secretive like a thief in the night.
And I don't use $6.00 worth of kits to make a $1.79 kit pen and submit it to the *** and then cannot explain why it is "innovative either"


Dec 18, 2004
Mountain Home, Arkansas, USA.
Originally posted by airrat
<br />This is all very disturbing. It is getting very sad that we cannot say certain words anymore. (not profanity) What is becoming of this country.

Eagle I am a proud member of PETA. I will continue to support People Eating Tasty Animals until you pry my cold dead fingers from by BBQ.[:p]

I like it. [:)] Good one. [:D]
Jan 27, 2005
Drums, PA, USA.
Originally posted by cteaglesc
Never said I was.I never jumped up on a pedistal, and I dare you to show ONE post where I said I was better than anyone else(Smug and self righteous)

Originally posted by cteaglesc
Didn't you do your celtic Cr*ss pen after I posted Arbez?
Didn't you write a hilf a** explanation on how to do a bentwood lamination?

Originally posted by cteaglesc
And I don't use $6.00 worth of kits to make a $1.79 kit pen and submit it to the *** and then cannot explain why it is "innovative either"

cteaglesc's signature
Eaglesc Masterful Penmaking Guy a self proclaimed "group" of one(for now),who sometimes makes pens out of wierd stuff and likes to make quality pens that look "different" and doesn't need to be affiliated with any "guild"

So I see you are still a group of one


Passed Away Jul 4, 2008
In Memoriam
Jul 5, 2004
Camden, S.C., USA.
Originally posted by Ron in Drums PA
<br />
Originally posted by cteaglesc
Never said I was.I never jumped up on a pedistal, and I dare you to show ONE post where I said I was better than anyone else(Smug and self righteous)

Originally posted by cteaglesc
Didn't you do your celtic Cr*ss pen after I posted Arbez?
Didn't you write a hilf a** explanation on how to do a bentwood lamination?

Originally posted by cteaglesc
And I don't use $6.00 worth of kits to make a $1.79 kit pen and submit it to the *** and then cannot explain why it is "innovative either"

cteaglesc's signature
Eaglesc Masterful Penmaking Guy a self proclaimed "group" of one(for now),who sometimes makes pens out of wierd stuff and likes to make quality pens that look "different" and doesn't need to be affiliated with any "guild"

So I see you are still a group of one

My group is neither exclusive NOR elitist.
Only qualification is that you SAY you are a Masterful Penmking Guy or Gal.
No one ever asked.
It also does say "new members welcome"
I guessed you missed that part


Local Chapter Manager
Mar 25, 2005
Racine, WI, USA.

Eagle is a group of one because his body of work, in my opinion, stands alone.

I consider myself a friend of each of you (Ron and Eagle), but both of you are now arguing for argument's sake. You are each talented craftsmen (if you want to be artists, that's your call). You probably agree on more topics than you disagree, so why vent publicly? It makes each of you look like smaller men than you really are.

I remain (hopefully) a friend to both. And, I admire both of your work. I hope you both choose to share that work publicly. Cease worrying about where the ideas came from-I think you both agree there is nothing NEW under the sun, just regenerated and improved OLD ideas. Who cares where they originated? Execution of the idea is the benchmark in penmaking and you both execute brilliantly.

Hope I don't irritate either one of you! Look forward to seeing tomorrow's work!! from both of you![:)]


Passed Away Jul 4, 2008
In Memoriam
Jul 5, 2004
Camden, S.C., USA.
Originally posted by Ron in Drums PA
<br />
Originally posted by cteaglesc
It also does say "new members welcome"
I guessed you missed that part

No I didn't

You miss the point that you are still a group of one.

I'm happy with being an innovative group of one.[:D]


Dec 18, 2004
Mountain Home, Arkansas, USA.
Originally posted by Ron in Drums PA
<br />
Originally posted by cteaglesc
It also does say "new members welcome"
I guessed you missed that part

No I didn't

You miss the point that you are still a group of one.

Sometimes this all becomes way too personal.
Ron: Of course you are right. We all are, in some sense, a group of one. (ignoring the oxymoronic grammer)


Oct 13, 2005
Grand Forks, ND, USA.
This has to be the biggest series of temper tantrums I've seen anyone(s) throw since my mom quit running a daycare - in the words of my best friend Brandon - Why don't you cry me a river and **** me a stream? Cool down a bit and read what Jeff posted.

I think the original problem is that the posting was an evangelical message disguised as an "it's almost my birthday" posting. Most people on these forums are friendly and will jump at the change to wish someone a happy birthday. I'm not even going to elaborate.

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