I was turned loose in the shop

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May 17, 2006
Costa Rica
:biggrin:Diane finally let me go out to the shop early this morning. I had some pens already turned and some I even had a finish on when I went to the hospital so this morning I completed them and as I will be working on my web site the names you see are what I call them. I don't do much wood but I found a bunch of stabilized blanks that were hidden away that I got a couple of years ago from Bill Baumbeck. Also I now am selling ball points again after finding the EZ flow 9000. All comments welcome as always:
My thanks to JohnU for the Pheasant blanks.



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Wow Roy, those are beautiful. I am always impressed by your workmanship and quality and the beauty of your pens.
Hey Roy are you being completely honest with us???????
Did Diane really let you go out to the shop or was she tired of you being under foot? :tongue:

A great looking bunch of pens and I love the photo layout. Very well done and professional. Did you make your own blanks for center set of photos? Love the black and white banded!
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Roy those are soem nice looking pens. Beautifully done. and I did look up the word too, Lou has to make sure that we exercise our brain power too form time to time.
Hey, by the way glad you are back in the saddle and feeling better.
Roy, Their very impressive pens. I took the time to review them on your web site. The three pens when viewing the page is great. yet then you placed five pens across the web page the pens lost their impressiveness. Very well though out web site.
Excellent presentation.

The pens look great!

(did you mean to label it "Banded Malachite")

:redface::redface::redface: Yes I left out 2 letters....Thanks for catching that.

No problem ;) .... and if you want to pick nits, I would be consistent and use either:

"Black and White Banded" and "Black and White"


"Black & White Banded" and "Black & White"

The photos, pens, and presentation are all top notch!

- Joe
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