I Got In!

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Apr 17, 2006
Milan, OH
I submitted this pen to the guild, and was accepted.




It's made from black ebonite.

Obviously, I'm pretty stoked!
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Congratulations on your acceptance into the Guild. You've made a great looking fountain pen, but how long must we wait to know more information about this pen? You must spend as much time telling us about the pen as you did making it....but the short version will work also.[:D]
Welcome aboard.
Do a good turn daily!
Congrats Brian[:D]That is a superb pen. Like Don, I too would like to know more.
Also, with workmanship like that, why don't you have an album of more of your great work?[;)]
Thanks, everyone.

I can't really point to any one kit, as some parts are made by me on the metal lathe.

The barrel is basically an El Grande/Churchill that is closed-end.

The cap is complex. There is only a minimal amount of brass.

The finial is threaded and screws on, and the clip fits into a filed recess.

The material is ebonite, and the grooves are just a light touch from a threading tool.

Thanks again.
Very nice from me as well! That actually looks to me like an antique pen made from one of the more popular companies, and definately not from a kit. Great work.
Congrats, the pen looks great. I kinda feel silly asking this question, but what exactly is the guild and what's it mean as in is it some sort of award or something, or you have to make something spectacular to be a member? What is the significance of what it is I'm congratulating you for, other than the beauty of a pen?
Well what can I say that was not said yet? Let see. I can't understand how you got in with that sorry lookin pen. I rather be repetitive and tell the truth. Congratulations on that fenomenal looking pen. Awesome job. I'd be proud to make a pen like that.
Ok..I read all about it. It's definitely a great pat on the back and a very fine achievement. The whole concept of the guild is interesting and somewhat genious really. So...double congrats to you! [:D][:D]
The photo is perhaps embarrassingly simple.

CoolPix 5600

Butcher paper as my backdrop.

Two lights. Both 500w with plastic diffusers in front of them.

One shot from the left above, and the other from the right and more tight.

I have pics of my setup, but I'm currently out of town and I don't have access to the computer with those photos...email me, and I can send them to you this weekend if you like.

Brian! I feel so dumb! I thought you were already a member! [:I] Good job by you! I am glad you have joined the Pen Maker's Guild, it will be better for having you as one of their group! As a member of the Guild, I welcome you!

As for the pen - well, you already know what I think of your pens! [8D] For those of you who don't know, Brian's pens have become quite the item over at the Fountain Pen Network (FPN), and if I'm lucky, I'll have one in my collection after the first of the year!

Well done!

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