How's it goin eh!

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Sep 10, 2016
Hi, just joined. Got into this pen thing kind of by accident. I just bought a little 12x18 lathe and of course needed something to make besides little mini baseball bats. Spotted the pen aisle at my local KMS store and have been making pens since.

Here's a picture of one of my first. I'm also into photoshop so the presentation may be a bit overdone.


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Great looking pen! Photoshop skills are definitely useful! I think it can help you personalize the photographs of each pen, emphasizing each pen's individuality. A good way to bring in those buyers!!!
Hi Dave, Welcome to IAP !!!!!!!

Nice looking pen !! ... but please keep an eye open for longitudinal shrinkage of the acrylic barrels, which I have observed with blanks I bought from KMS ... a little less than a millimeter on each barrel.
Wonderful work on the pen, and what a terrific example of how to market your creations. We should all take note. You sell the sizzle not the steak. Now I'm hungry.....
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