How to turn a 1x8 thread to a 11/4 x 8

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Oct 18, 2014
Burbs of Atlanta,Georgia
I have been searching for a quality level of faceplate that's 6" with a 11/4 x 8 thread. I have only found 1 x 8 thread plates. So....I am wanting advice on where to find one or how to change the thread from 1 x 8 to 11/4 x 8.

Thanks for any advice feedback.
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Thanks folks, Bob Nova does have those, but they are cast iron, which without good reason I feel is inferior to steel or machined aluminum even.

It might be worth doing some research on that.

I vaguely remember reading that cast iron has better vibration-damping characteristics than steel, but I could be making that up.
Don -- have done a lot of work with cast iron face plates. The only negative is they are heavy. Do not drop one on your toes. Nothing inferior about them for use though.

Face plate rings that fit chuck jaws also work and they are available for several chucks.
Check with EasyWoodTools. They have several different sizes. Also, Don Pencil (Google him) has the right size and threads but only go up to 3.5".
Also try Packard Woodworks. They have the size you want in the OneWay.
Lots of faceplates out there with 1 1/4-8, even on Amazon. You can also buy a thread adapter for your lathe, but I don't recommend that. You can buy 1 1/4-8 nuts and weld on a steel plate, but that won't be very cheap if you can't work the steel by yourself.
Thanks for the additional input folks. Ken, that's good to hear as I went ahead and ordered a Nova faceplate. Also thanks for the leads, and I think I will try a One-way as well.

Appreciate all the help!--Don
Don -- both should provide good service --- be sure to use heavy duty screws. I like the sheet metal screws with hex heads. Drywall or deck screws are not safe. They can break and bad things can happen.

I like to turn with face plates -- they are a good technique for multi center turnings.
As far as screws go, I think I've broken or bent every type of screw on the market at some point, for whatever reason. Buy 'good quality' and be ready to replace as I don't think there is a 'magic' screw.

Now if I could figure out how to use lag bolts without drilling everything I have out.....

Scott (I use the Nova plates too) B
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