How to join?

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Dec 2, 2009
I'm from Manchester, CT and just found this section! How do you join the local chapter of IAP? Thanks.
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:biggrin:Send large amounts of unmarked 20 dollar bills to my address and I will sign you up.:biggrin::biggrin::biggrin:
Gee Tood,
Sounds like you owe 20 of us blanks! WHERE ARE THEY???!!!???

Mine are to all be from Exotic Blanks
10 feathers
10 Creatives
30 of Dawns choice



It's like Monopoly rules, You have to request them, but once there's a new member, that opportunity has expired for previous newbies...:rolleyes:

You should have said something last weekend...
Except you still have not made a REGULAR meeting.
So I OFFICIALLY declare my request of fifty blanks as described above

Oh yeah, and there is the toll the we from Southwick exact on you agawamians for crossing over the mountain.

Double the order of blanks
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Yes, I would like to go to the Central meetings. I was taking classes on Tuesdays at the CVSW for almost a year, but I met Cory, Al, John and a few others from the central chapter by taking other classes there. I also met an Eric (maybe you?) taking a class at CVSW who is a member there. :)
Except you still have not made a REGULAR meeting.
So I OFFICIALLY declare my request of fifty blanks as described above

Oh yeah, and there is the toll the we from Southwick exact on you agawamians for crossing over the mountain.

Double the order of blanks

Hey Jerry! I'll get in line behind Todd, if that's ok with you!:biggrin:
Hey Chip, welcome to the group. All you have to do is show up for a meeting. If I put a scoot back on the road this year, maybe we can take a ride up to one.
Neil, you've got a deal! Nice starry night, good night for a ride! :biggrin:
You guys need to find a better place to meet...preferably in the more north and east. I just plugged the meeting place into my GPS and it will take an estimated 5 hours 50 minutes and 330 miles to drive down there.:mad:

Any way it can be moved to the New Hampshire woodcraft? That is only 3 hours from my house LOL:biggrin:

You and Lenny can drive down together, it makes the drive shorter.
Or do what Neil does when he comes up, and that is get a place the night before.

When the chapter was first started, there were attempts at getting into a more central place, but no one else wanted to work on finding one at that time, and that is how we ended up where we are, Thanks to Steve (pensbydesign).
Matt (HSturnings) also tried to secure a place at one of the Rocklers that was more centrally located, and for some reason(s), it did not pan out.

Or, start a north New England chapter, and a south New England chapter. Although I personally would really hate to have Charlie, Alton, CHristian, Phil, etc not being around.

Anyway, you are more than welcome to come down here either way.
I think the reason is that them city folk don't know how to travel. They might pack
for a 50 mile trip, while those of us further north make that trip to buy a gallon of milk. :tongue:

(but we save $0.19 that way)
I think the reason is that them city folk don't know how to travel. They might pack
for a 50 mile trip, while those of us further north make that trip to buy a gallon of milk. :tongue:

(but we save $0.19 that way)

Yo, Chuckie-poo, ask Neil how far out I live. I have my own range in my back yard:usflag:

As for the Mainiacs, theze all afraid to go south of any border.

Heck, Lenny and Dan are probably afraid to go to the thriving Metropolis of Bangor.
North of Bangor the interstate sign says " we don't know where this goes"


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Rockler in Salem NH is still an option if anyone would like to meet there. Bill would be happy to host us. It is only slightly out of my way to stop in after work and see what days he has open if anyone would like to have a meeting on an off month. I don't mind the drive to Springfield MA but I mentioned that it is a long ride for many people up north. An additional Norther New England Chapter would work if needed. I would join that one also but I would like to just have an optional meeting site and keep the single group.
Well you may not know this...but there is a crazy Maine Rep who did bring to the table a bill to separate Maine into two parts. Maine and Northern Mass. Basically anything south of Lewiston would become part of the commonwealth and the rest of the State will be Maine. I wish I could say I am making this up...

Oh and we all know where 95 goes through the woods to Canada:biggrin::biggrin:
Gee Tood,
Sounds like you owe 20 of us blanks! WHERE ARE THEY???!!!???

Mine are to all be from Exotic Blanks
10 feathers
10 Creatives
30 of Dawns choice



Well, I hate having to cry poverty, but I looked into what it would take to buy my way into the group, and I just can't swing it right now. I've been working on the best way to meet my obligation, and I think I'm on track. I have a friend at work, a real classy and worldly woman with and interesting sense of high fashion. She let me have some feathers from some of her outfits, and I must say, they must be very rare and from some exotic species and foreign lands, cause I've never seen birds that looked anything like these. I'm working on getting them glued to some tubes, and then I'll cast them in some clear acrylic when I can get enough scrounged up (more on my acrylic issues in a bit...)


I also happened by a construction site the other day and hit the jackpot. It must have been a REALLY expensive high end building, becuase I had never seen wood like they were using. The boards were HUGE, I can hardly imagine seeing trees this big, and the grain pattern on the wood was unreal. Looking at it, it's hard to belive a tree could grow in so many directions at the same time. They must have left it outside for a long time or the tree was diseased or something, as most of the pieces have developed an intense blue spalting like nothing I've ever seen. I think these pieces will make some fantastic worthless wood blanks when I cast it with some swirled acrylic colors...


So I'm hoping that the feathers and worthless wood will come out great, and will pay my way into the group. I just may need some of you to hold on for a bit for your blanks, I have a good supply of feathers, and it is amazing how much of this blue spalted strange wood those builders are throwing out. (In fact I've been thinking about posting in the classifieds to see if anyone wants me to put together a bunch of flat rate boxes of the stuff for people to try out. I'm sure few people have ever seen anything like it...) The acrylic casting is the main bottleneck in the process. I've found what looks like a really cool pre-colored acrylic that is available in a great variety of colors, so there's no need to worry about mixing dyes and powders. I'm hoping I can disolve it in some acetone or ethanol or something and get a good casting resin out of it. I've seen piles of this stuff around, and the small people who live in my house have a huge supply of it, but it's going to take some work on my part to secure it for my use. They seemed to be very upset when I mentioned I wanted to try and melt it down and make pens out of it.



Solid colors seem to be extremely plentiful, but the supply of clear colors is rather limited, so especially for the feathers, it may take a long time for me to get my hands on enough clear material.


I'm sure that the blanks I come up with here will be at least on par with, if not vastly supperior and far more unique than anything Ed and Dawn could offer, and should pay my dues to the club.

I also spoke with Steve, and he said he'd settle for just some plain old regular blanks rather than all the fancy stuff you require. Personally I think he's going to be disapointed in missing out on these blanks that are sure to bring a tear to your eye...
See, ole Steve there is from the hilltowns of Eastern Mass. All us folks west of the keneticut river KNOW a thing or three more than those folks from Kennedy country. Ole Steve, just like his uncle Glen, wood knot no a gud peice of would if it was flung at them in and gonged off thier thik sculs
(BTW, I am writing in Steve-speak, and seeing as you are a transplant to Agawam, you prolly understand it as well.)

Now, those feathers appear to be a little to glittery for us common folks, but you high and mighty peeples from FEEDING HILLS prolly use them for some sort of marital aid.
Once agin, you city folks also no nothing about spaltiong, as those pieces are MINERAL STAINED, prolly from a few guys relieving themselves after a round or two of beer, or as you folks east of Provin Mtn would say, BUD LITE (which ain't any kinda refreshment)

Lastly, I see you and some of your kin folks been drivin there Hondas and Tooyootas, and got inta a big fender bender, of course, seein as they are cheap plastic, you can now see what the accident looks like.

So, ya'll just best be puttin in that order to Ed and Dawn for me, otherwise, you ain't gonna be going to Sunday school on Saturday any more over here in Real Man's land (southwick)
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