How many of you can relate?

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Jul 23, 2008
Vancouver, wa
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Yup....I can relate....

About two hours ago...5am UK time...we got up and I couldn't find my wallet...
Searched and searched.....eventually found it stuck between the seats in my pick up.....2 hrs of searching...
Unfortunately Two minutes before I found it, my wife asked me where I last used it....I had to confess it was at a KFC on my way home....:redface:

Two minutes after finding it my wife says...'Ok, now tell me about the KFC....:frown: '
Pencils are kept at every place that I have a power tool and a cabinet over the workbench. I taped a magnet on a pencil and it sticks to the metal cabinet on my TS. Same with tape measures- all over the place. I even have some of the freebies from HF as backup. Use the big tapes for big jobs.
1080wayne, watch for nesting pencils. Rather than multiplying, they migrate into the Nether Lands.
I can relate. As I get older it amazes me how many times I'm looking for something only to look down and see it's already in my hand. I get a lot of exercise looking for stuff that's right in front of me.
Last 5 minutes of every shop visit before heading back up to the house is looking for where I laid my glasses.

It takes 6 measuring tapes to make sure I can find one where I need it in the shop.

Cell phone I try to remember to check both hands and all pockets before looking in the rest of the shop.

Good side is that I have a bottle of water sitting nearly everywhere for a drink. Bad news is that cup of coffee is cold... because I made it yesterday and left it on the coffee maker.

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I use my shop as a gym. I do not use tape measures much in the shop because I find that a metal 12" rule is alot more accurate and I have 2 in the shop. Now when I am in a zone I am constantly going from tool to tool and always needing that rule. I always leave it at the last machine I used so walk back over to get it and walk over to the next operation. S o I am constantly looking for it. Have enough pencils all over the place. Then there are the glasses. I do need to get a few pairs of them. Bottom line is when done for the day I feel like I ran a marathon in a small shop. :)
Oh brother can I relate. I will get up at work to go to ask someone a question, and by the time I get to there desk I forgot what I wanted to ask.

I think it has something to do with all of these extra years that keep piling up.
I only use reading glasses in the shop and I always hang them around my neck on one of those strings that fits the ear pieces... always know where they are... probably would work better if I wore them more often... pencils are at strategic places around the shop, but have only one tape measure... try to always put it back, but more often leave it where I used it last...
I use either Yellow Tape measures or Bright/Neon green Tape measures so that I can spot them.

I paint my speed squares and often used measuring devices either white, yellow or neon green, neon yellow or neon orange. I got tired off not being able to spot my measuring devices, and that helps me spot them when they are under, beside or behind other objects.

I tried fluorescent/neon pink once (on LOML's recommendation) and decided that wasn't for me. :eek: Red gets lost if it is in a shadow and I stay away from silver and black also. Man can they hide with those colors when in a shadow.
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