Hidden Clip Demo at May 1st Meeting

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Local Chapter Leader
Mar 30, 2008
Lexington, South Carolina, USA.
Our May 1st meeting held at WoodZone in West Columbia, SC will begin at 1PM with nenber and featured demonstrator Hans Wunch. We are most fortunate to have a skilled and creative pen crafter as Hans.

Hans will lead us through a step by step instruction on how to make and install a "hidden clip" for our pens. You're invited so plan to join us for May Day wiith the Carolina Penturners.

BIG, BIG THANK YOU to Jonathan Brooks for his great demonstration on making and casting your own pen blanks. Jonathan, has really come up with some very beautiful and creative pen blanks offers them here on IAP
He will be announcing his website soon. Super Job Jonathan!

Pat Harris
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Thanks for the kind words Pat. I wanted to give the post a lil bump so others may see it. Folks, the demo on May 1st is one you really don't want to miss. The hidden clip is one of those attributes that can put your pen making over the top! There is alot to the process and Hans will be there to show everyone how he does his. I do hope everyone can try to make it out and show some support for our pen club meetings.
Hans Wunch is a masterful teacher and we are grateful to have him as a member of Carolina Penturners. Hans last two demonstrations at our club meetings took us step by step in the How To's of making a "Closed End" pen and this month making our own "Hidden Clips". Can't wait to see what Hans comes up with next to help us advance our pen making skills. Thanks Hans.
I wish I had been able to make it to your demonstration. I am sitting in Athens Greece, working some and avoiding the riots the rest of the time. Mabey you can share some of that information with me at a later date. I hope to come back with some olive wood (they use it for fire wood here)
Really was amazed at Hans demo, he is a true master of the art. Hope to be able to make one before next meeting, but not sure as I didn't see the demo prior. I'll give it a shot.
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