Hi from OldShack OutBack

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Jan 12, 2015
Kansas City, Kansas
Just joined after looking @ the forums, and finding the amount of information to be impressive. I've been turning pens for about a year now, primarily the european style, mostly with wood, have assembled a vacuum stabilizing system, and am building more equipment that better suits my needs. The name "OldShack OutBack" is my storename on "etsy.com" Not a lot of business from there, but a good place to post picts with prices, and some of those folks are agreeable to the prices. The name is also where I work on wood - I have a metal/machine shop in the basement, but the dust created from wood is much to invasive, almost as bad as welding smoke. The welding equipment also got moved outside, seperate area from the wood shop. I can move my equipment outside in nice weather, and do - less problems with dust and fumes that way.I'm looking forward to communicating with ya'all. Thanks, Jon
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Hey Jon, good to see you. Lots of info here and guys willing to share...good wood to be found too. Enjoy, Rocky
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