Here's one for you guys

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Oct 15, 2016
Davis Oklahoma
In 1978, there was a song, and, a movie by the same name. The movie was actually produced and came out in 1965, but wasn't able to claim fame until 1978. Here's the question. Who was the bass player of the band that made the song famous? Here's the real kicker, was he or wasn't he related to the man that made the movie famous? What I want to know is the name of the bass player, and if he was or was not related to the man that made the movie famous.

I'll leave this one up to you guys to figure out.

I'll forward a BoB to the person who figures it out first.

I guess, I should say, whom truly figures it out. Were they or weren't they related to the man that made the movie famous. The bass players name has to be included and posted here, and if they were or weren't related and how?

Since the bass players name is well known, they said they're ok with it.
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It's not quite as vague as it seems. Now, don't get me wrong, i wanted to make it a little vague, but not so much that it couldn't be figured out. Remember, it's 1978 and as far as I know, there was only one song and one movie of the same name, that were charted that year. I'll give you this, the movie and the song itself had no relation to each other, other than the name. The movie which was made in 1965, and released in 1966, was a popular movie, but never got it's full recognition until 1978. The song, of the same name, was pretty much an immediate hit by a band that was already popular, but not associated with the movie itself, yet the song name remains the same of the movie. I'll let you simmer on that for a while longer before any more hints are given out. Remember, I want to know the name of the bass player in the band and whether or not he has any association with the man that made the movie famous. The answers to both of these, are easily found nowadays, provided that you figure out the question. If you do figure it out, not only will I send you a BOB, I'll include a bass pick from the person that this answer is about.
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Well, I didn't want to make it too easy and yet still wanted to give just enough information to get one curious and thinking about it. I'll admit, If the same question was posed to me, I don't think I would have a clue either. With that being said, I'm going to think about what a good clue would be to give you guys, without actually giving away the answer just yet. Maybe I'll ask Alice, she's been around for a while.:cool:
Oh, trust me Chuck, you really do know this and you're probably going to want to beat me more than you do right now when you find this out. What would be the fun for me if I made it too easy?
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Oh, trust me Chuck, you really do know this and you're probably going to want to beat me more than you do right now when you find this out. What would be the fun for me if I made it too easy?

Glad you're having fun! :biggrin: I want to say "Blue Jean Blues" just because it's one of my favorite songs :biggrin: But I'll look more today. But when the race starts.... that's it. :wink:
The only movie I can come up with is Alice's Restaurant. Arlo Guthrie didn't play the bass that I'm aware of but I know he played many instruments. Arlo would have made the movie famous for sure and I know Woodie Guthrie was already gone by then and Arlo's kids were too young to play bass. UM?
I've got one other idea but I'll wait if this one's not even close.
The only movie I can come up with is Alice's Restaurant. Arlo Guthrie didn't play the bass that I'm aware of but I know he played many instruments. Arlo would have made the movie famous for sure and I know Woodie Guthrie was already gone by then and Arlo's kids were too young to play bass. UM?
I've got one other idea but I'll wait if this one's not even close.

The bass player on Alice 's Restaurant is listed as unknown !
Sorry guys, I woke up this morning sicker than a dog. At the moment it's hard for me to even sit up straight and type this, much less think straight. All good guesses, but no winners yet. I thought I might be able to do this but I've been logged on for what feels like an hour and just now got this much typed. Forgive me and bear with me, again, sorry. As soon as I stop talking to empty chairs, I'll hop back on and continue running you through the gauntlet.
I went down the 'White Rabbit' hole last night, but the info from the clues didn't match up! Had that song stuck in my head for at least an hour before I finally went to sleep!
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The closest I can come is Fran Sheehan from Boston. The 1978 hit was "Don't look back"

There was a Dylan documentary film with the same name released in 67. Close, but no cigar with the date, and I can find no reference to that movie reaching popularity in 78.

Also can't find any connection between Sheehan and Dylan.

My brain hurts!
I'll forward a BoB to the person who figures it out first.

I guess, I should say, whom truly figures it out.

Actually "who" is correct here. It is the subject of the verb "figures" in the objective clause.

Sorry....English teacher gets out every once in a while when I'm not looking.
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