Hello from Oklahoma

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Sep 14, 2007
Bartlesville, Oklahoma, USA.
Hello everyone. Just wanted to drop in and say hello. Have enjoyed reading your forums (sure helps on the night shift). I, like every other person am new to turning. So new I don't have any tools or a lathe yet. Wife tells me I am not to buy anything until I know exactly what all I need and buy it at one time. Guess she don't want a unusable lathe sitting in the garage without all the necessary tools to do what I need to do. I will ask about that down in pen turning. I am going mad wanting to get started. I keep reading about the vortex. Well I think it already stripped off my shirt and now is tugging on my wallet. If there are any turners in Oklahoma or Southcentral Kansas I would love to hear from you. Would be great to talk to someone before plunging in without being able to swim.

Everyone have a safe day.

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Dustin, welcome to the money pit. As you can tell from my handel I'm in Ok. What part of Ok. are you in, I'm in Shawnee and wold be glad to help anyway I can.
I believe the Vortex you're feeling is the one I've created down here in Moore, OK. Once you've got your Vortex up and spinning, well I'll just say "Lord help you". Welcome.
Hiya Dustin, a warm welcome from this side of the big puddle!!!!
Unless you have eleventy four gazzilion dollars, you cant get all the kit at the same time[:D] But as long as you have permission, start spending!!!![8D]
Thank you everyone for your welcomes. I have enjoyed looking at your works of art. Being how I have no artistic abilities you probably won't see anything from me anytime soon. Besides that still need the equipment. Now if I can just figure out what I need to buy to get started. [:)]
Welcome Dustin. I think you have a green light for your penturning stuff so take your time. Ask these folks for their advice, check out the vendor sites and make your list. Use both sides of the paper. Good Luck.
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