Hello from Greenbackville, Virginia (Eastern Shore)

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Jul 22, 2014
Greenbackville, VA
Hi, I was made aware of this forum by another turner on lumberjocks.com and decided I just HAD to become a member here, too :eek:)

My name is Jason and by day I'm an RF/Electronics technician at the NASA Wallops Flight Facility. By night I own RPC Electronics, LLC and I have too many hobbies (Woodworking, Turning, Amateur Radio, Electronics, Metalworking/CNC, Guitars, N Scale Trains, Shooting and more I won't bore you with). Turning is becoming a real "sickness" for me. I started off with small bowls and now I'm incorporating pens. I can't seem to get enough. If anything, I'll have plenty of gifts for Christmas!

I've had a lifelong interest and fascination with woodworking and especially turning (Thanks, Norm!). I started to build up my wood shop at the beginning of the year. My lathe is the standard Harbor Freight greeny on the built-in stand. I know some really look sideways at these things, but mine has been great and I really love working on it. The only downside is the length is just short of enough to turn bats (which my brother really wants me to make for him).

I look forward to learning a lot here, since I am still fairly new to turning and woodworking in general. Thanks for creating a great community for this part of the hobby!

- Jason R.
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Welcome from Wisconsin. Check in frequently because there are a lot of very talented pen makers (I'm not one of them) who have a wealth of knowledge to share.

Thank you all for the welcomes! This is already the most friendly forum I belong to and I belong to at least 25 different ones spanning my hobbies.
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