Hello from Colorado

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Mar 8, 2017
Hi Everyone!

I am Jon from Denver and have been turning for a few years. I mostly make pens and am about to start casting my own acrylic. I get supplies from Rockler(about 5 min from my house), Penn state and Woodcraft. I am also exploring other sources. Recently, I was able to teach 5 students from University of Denver how to turn a pen. Somehow it was related to a writing class. Anyway, one of the girls took it to heart and is cranking out quite a few pens. I have attached a pic of several of my latest pens.

Glad to be here and to learn from all the experts!


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Welcome Jon, from Sydney Australia.

Normally I would not Critique, Pens in this Introduction Forum, as this is to Introduce and Welcome New Members.
But you mentioned that you have taught 5 Students to Turn Pens, so I feel compelled to comment.

IMHO, the transitions from the Blanks to the Hardware, in particular the Nib Section on your Bolt Action, is too Steep, and is very noticeable to the Eye and no doubt, your Finger.

The Bushes for every Kit, provide an approximation of the Desired Diameter for a Smooth Transition from Blank to Hardware.

You mentioned that you have been turning "for a few years" "mainly pens", so I expect that you are quite comfortable and confident turning, so taking the Transition of the Blanks, down to the Desired Dimension, should not be a problem for you.

This would improve your Pens considerably, and possibly those of your Students.

Excellent Blanks, and Finish.
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