Hello from AZ

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Feb 10, 2018
Peoria AZ
Signed up to this forum on the recommendation of a friend.

Turned my first project in grade school '78 - a lamp - which I still have today. Finally bought my first lathe about 20 years ago - a craftsman. It worked great but I had very limited space so I sold it and got a mini jet that I am still using. Turned wood pens until about 4 years ago then got into acrylics. Just started making my own acrylics blanks about a year ago. Also recently have tried a couple bowl projects.
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Hi Roy !! . Welcome to IAP !!

February is a special month here on IAP ..... celebration of IAP's birthday with lots of contests and other activities. Check things out and maybe you can win something.

Look for the word BASH .... most of the activities are listed here .... http://www.penturners.org/
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Welcome Roy, glad to see you here. I've been sick this week so sorry for the late hello.

Roy is a friend of mine from a cigar shop we used to frequent. He's into casting so we get together sometimes and talk shop, usually in between puffs on a good cigar.
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