Hello from Alberta

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Oct 22, 2017
Ryley, Alberta
Hello. My name is Mike and I'm a pen turner.

I have been turning pens for several years. I don't remember exactly when I started down this rabbit hole but everything I have turned has gone one of three places. Sold to customers, given away to friends (although that pool is pretty small) or into my private pen collection.

I got a commission a few years ago for the Health Minister of Canada, I have also turned several wedding sets including one for the entire bridal party (14 pens) and lots of graduation pens for a small school near Red Deer.

Anyhow, I hope to be able to contribute to the discussions and learn from the more experienced turners here.
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Hey Mike, I lived north of Peace River for four years...logging, farming, eating moose. : ) Loved it up there. Welcome to IAP...source of all things pen turning. Rocky
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