HB360 Slimline

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Product Reviews Manager
Aug 19, 2007
Fairfield, CT, USA.
I said I would so I did. I used all the damaged blanks that were sitting here waiting for the fireplace to get used again and here it is, the first HB360 slimline pen. It's ugly and almost scary, but it is done.:biggrin:


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clubhouse leader for one of next year's birthday bash contests...could be entered in several categories, so I won't say which one . I do give you credit for trying out an idea and not just thinking about it! (cut and paste from whatchmacallit)....

I know how Josephs brothers felt about his coat of many colours for different reasons. An exercise such as riding your motor bike without any exhaust protection gotta be done once.
museum piece give it that name and get into a modern art gallery, create a fuss over it with deep and meaningful providence sure to find a home. now you know why I give these pieces to jewelry makers they love them.

I can't call it any thing because I can't do it, so until the day I can do better! You did a great job, nice save of the blanks.
Neil, I personally want to thank you for posting this pen. Because you confirmed my suspicions that the segments I used on mine were too thick. It may be ugly, but it helped me out tremendously. Now if I can just find the time to put one together.
Well it's very earth friendly, green, made from recycled woods. Blahh blaahh. I am sure there is a nice all natural, tree hugging, dreadlock hair, hippie type that will fall in love with that pen. as a matter of fact I would put 50 bucks on it.

Just because it's GREEN.
Its wonderful in its own realm for sure. Kinda reminds me of the elephant circus pants or a renaissance faire man that walks on tall skilts.....only a mother could love it....is only a saying....put a price on it....it will fly off the shelf....

I mean this in the nicest possible way when I say, I have never seen someone work so hard to create....well....a contrasting piece of work. Great use of scraps, and the top is really nice, but the bottom piece....only a mother could love....LOL.....The good news is it looks like ya got a lock on the Ugliest Pen Contest for 2010. Personally I think it would make a good consollation gift for the Ugliest Pen Contest runner up...LOL....

Thanks for sharing!
I think I am getting a litle over sensitive in my old age. Some of these comments have actually made my eyes tear up a little. I just wanted to let everyone know how they have made me feel and want you all to think about that. Now, when I stop laughing so hard, hopefully the tears should go away...LOL Thanks everyone:)
As ugly as this pen is, it was just sold today for $100. Not a great price for a HB360, but a great price for this HB360.....LOL The lady is planning to give it to her sister as a X-mas present, I guess she doesn't like her sister much. This pen was made as a joke, but it turned out that it is true, there is a buyer for everything.
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