Has Anyone Used These Products ?

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Nov 19, 2009
Has anyone used these products? If so, what were the results?



It is my understanding that it is better to use the Gloss Sealer first and then the Super Gloss.

Again, I am anxious to hear if anyone has used these and what were your results.


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I have had good success with these products. The sealer is shellac. These can be put on in mutiple coats after each prior coat is dry. The coats dry quick if you use it as a friction pollish. The supper gloss is a thined lacquer.

Does the "Super Gloss" provide a true deep gloss? Also, is it durable and does it last?


The super gloss is a lacquer, and I have good luck with using 4 coats. I have been using the same pen for two years and the finish is holding up.
The stuff that Jerry uses is sold by the manufacturer, and costs less. The finish is repackaged for PSI, which increases the price. The cans are the same, only the lables are different.
It sounds like the finish will hold up but does it have the deep shine like 20 coats of thin ca. I am trying to get away from ca. I can't believe it is good for you after a time. When I could smell, it was bad. Thanks RichB

I agree with you on trying to get away from CA. If it will produce the same deep luster as CA, then I can't wait to try it.
The lacquer is slow to build. I usually use 2 coats of the sealer and then 4 coats of the gloss lacquer. It has a nice shine, but not as much as ca does. I have never tried to put on 20 coats of the finish. It is not a substitute for ca.
Tom, I sure will and thanks for letting us know about this product. I plan on ordering it today. CA is bad. I will find out if this has a bad smell also. I know lacquer has a strong smell too.
I called Wood Write Friday morning and this morning and received a voicemail. I have left 2 messages at 717-646-0102

Does it normally take a few days to get in touch with them?


F.Y.I. Terry with Wood Write called me this evening and took my order. He said that he would ship it tomorrow. I will post my results...
My experience is that it is only marginally better than shellac based friction polishes, which, for me, is not good enough for pens.
I just got a call tonight from Terry and it is on it's way. Use the phone number at the top of the site and leave a msg. He said he doesn't have a person answering the phone all the time.
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I'm intrigued by this product. Would love to hear about the application process, dry times, etc. Let us know how it works! Thanks!
The Wood Write system actually has three products in it.

The Gloss Sealer has a wax, and is not really recomended for pens where they would be handled often. It puts a great shine on small turnings that are not handled often.
There is a semi-gloss, that can be used alone, and is recommended for any build-up, as it contains a lot of solids. I have finished using this as a base and build coats, and a few pens where a deep shine would actually hurt the final product.
Then there is the gloss as well. When initially put on, it does not look like there is much there, as there isn't. However, after it has flashed and cured for 24, you can buff it like any other finish, and it shines. I mean SHINES. with lots of depth. It just does not appear that it will when you first apply it.

As for application:
A small rag/clean paper-towel (I personnally still use cloth, but make sure not to wrap it around anything) folded over tofour to six thicknesses. Have your lather running, shanke the can, uncover, and QUICKLY tip can with rag on openning. You CAN apply too much at once, just like CA. Wipe/rub in on surface with lathe running, and polish. The reason for the thickness of cloth is to prevent heat from penetrating too far into your fingers. You can do multiple coats during the same session of application, just like CA, just make sure you have polished it in prior to going to the next coat.
Let it sit for 24 before final polishing, etc.

Hope my simple explanation is ok, but if not, let me know, and will try to figure out a better, more detailed explanation.


This information is great! I can't wait to get it and try it. I will keep everyone posted.

Thanks Again!

Am I to understand that one would use - 1st the Sealer, 2nd the Semi-Gloss, and 3rd the High-Gloss? I am trying to order 1 can of each but I can't get through to a live 'being'. I, also, am not getting my voicemail messages returned. Are there other ideas besides posting my credit card # in an e-mail?

Hi Dan, I just received my three cans today. It took about a week after I ordered it. He talked to me on the phone at the end of the day and that is when I told him the Credit Card Number. I would never leave one in a E-Mail. He said they are moving their shop to a smaller place so I would keep leaving him a Voice Mail. After I use it I will show and tell the results. RichB
I received my order today as well. As Rich said, I will post my results also when I have a chance to use it (hopefully within a day or so).:)
O.K.... I couldn't stand the fact that I had 2 pen blanks waiting on me to apply the finish coupled with the fact that I received the WoodWrite CN-11 & CN-17 finish today. So needless to say I headed to the shop and got started. Here is my experience tonight:

I have a set of African Blackwood blanks that I had previously turned for a Statesman pen. They have been sanded from 600 grit to 12000 mm. Tonight I started by placing them in the bushings and mounting them between centers. I applied a small amount of denatured alcohol to a scotts towel and rubbing it back and forth on the pen blank while the lathe was turning at a medium speed in order to clean them before I applied the finish.

I then applied the CN-11 Sealer per the instructions listed on their website and the can. Again, I used the Scott paper towel, applied a very small amount of the sealer by holding the rag against the open cap of the can and then rubbed the blank back and forth until it started heating up from the friction. My lathe (Jet Mini Variable Speed) was set at #5 (high speed). Just as they say, it goes on very smooth and dries very fact from the friction. I did this 3 times (applying 3 coats). The blanks really had a great gloss to them!

Now I applied the CN-17 Super Gloss the exact way that I did the CN-11 Sealer in the step above. WOW ... The gloss that these have after just 3 coats are absolutely stunning!!! I then rubbed the blank (while spinning) with a piece of cotton cloth from an old t-shirt. Afterwards the blank is not sticky at all... just very smooth and VERY glossy!

By the way, my heat has been on low so the shop was only 53 degrees. I will try to get a few pictures to post tomorrow.

Conclusion: As of the present, it is more than I expected and I am definitely a Happy Customer! I look forward to reading the other results.
In reading the information on the Wood write site. He states that he wouldn't use the sealer on pens, but only on turnings that don't get handled much. He suggests using the semi-gloss and gloss on pens. He says that if you allow the semi gloss to cure overnight and then apply the gloss that you get an even deeper shine.
I spoke to Terry at length regarding what I needed in order to acheive a gloss and durable finish to pens. He suggested that I use the CN-11 Sealer first and follow that with the CN -17 Super Gloss. That is exactly the process that I used and the results were phenomenal!
Many thanks for the review. I'm still waiting for him to call/e-mail me back and then I'll order as well. Looking forward to an alternative that I can use 'year-round'.


I can't believe it is taking him so long to get in touch with you... Maybe you will hear from him soon.
I said I would post a little review on this product so here goes. I used a piece of Chestnut cut on an angle to show a little end grain. First, I sanded to 600 then mm to 1200. Second, cleaned with Denatured Alcohol, then 3 coats of the Semi Gloss, then 3 coats of Super Gloss. I put it on with my Rikon at top speed and wiped each layer on, back and forth fast, until some heat came through 6 layers of tee shirt. It went dull first, then out came the shine. I let it sit over night then tried PlastX on it to maybe get more shine, but it took off the shine and some of the coating. Three coats isn't much so then I went right to putting on 3 more coats of high gloss the same way as before and the original shine came back. I am real happy with the shine with 3 coats. The pen feels like wood and not plastic. The shine is not as deep as several coats of CA but it is OK considering only 3 coats. It was fast drying and easy to put on even in a 60 degree basement. I posted a picture of the pen in Show off Your pens. I will be using this product. RichB
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Can any of you folks who are using this product comment on how hard and durable a finish this is? In particular, I'm wondering if it holds up to the elastic band/strap test. I loved the finish I got while doing dipped lacquer, with the exception that the finish would mar if held tight to materials- so the little boxes with the elastic strips/bands would leave an indention in the finish if left in place for more than a day or two, and when using the leather portfolios with the wider elastic straps, I'd end up with pens stuck to the leather/pleather interior if left in for a few days- and this was with pens that had cured for a month or more. I don't care for the CA fumes, but until I can find an alternate that has a more durable finish, I'm going to be using CA. Any feedback on the durability of this finish would be appreciated!
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Ed. I have lost most of my smell and taste but my son (Buzzzz4) was right next to me at the time and he said it had a little smell but nothing like CA with Accel. He said he liked it. I could smell a little of it but not much. My smell is coming back very slow. My house cabinets were sprayed with Lac. and that was real bad. This was nothing like that. RichB
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