Greetings from the U.P.

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Oct 11, 2011
Upper Michigan
Hello from the U.P. (Upper Peninsula of Michigan). Started turning back in December after attending a Woodcraft pen turning class. My wife liked her pen so much she bought me a lathe and here I am. Really enjoying the forums and learning so much. Been butchering wood for a number of years so I might as well turn some useful products. Looking forward to trying some of the other wood types I see posted that aren't available locally. Glad I found this group!


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Welcome to the group from Wichita Falls, TX! Thats pretty cool that your wife did that! She has the right idea, just dive right in head first! My wife hesitated when she started seeing how much money i was spending(before i really knew there was some money to be made in this). the amount was close to $3K and she says, "honey, you are gonna have to slow down on the spending for this "hobby" of yours. I realize you enjoy it, but we have bills you know." so i told her to hang in there, and she did, and now when i need something(supplies), she says, "just order what you need, you dont have to ask". Funny how it all changed once the k-ching, k-ching started up!:biggrin:
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Welcome Melski, from far west Kentucky, to the addiction, sometimes referred to as the vortex. You mention that you have read some of the site, be sure to give the library a good bit of time. The link is at the top of the page. You will find an article called Library Index. This covers tutorials on about anything pen making you can think of. You will also notice that there are articles listed by year. Much good info there as well. When these fail to answer your questions, by all means post it here. I have never seen one go unanswered very long. You might also want to give this thread a good look. It has some very good info for the beginning pen turner; Grab some wood, make some shavings and have fun all the while being safe.
Have a look at the series of videos ed4copies has just posted showing how to complete a pen from drill to finish.

Welcome from Tennessee, and some months of the year, the engineroom of the M/V Edgar B. Speer.


My family and I spend some time in Duluth every year and I know we've seen that behemoth going under the bridge!

Yep, the company office is there and we load out of Duluth and Superior on occasion. Mostly we load up the shore line about 30 miles in Two Harbors.
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